More Ninja?

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The door flies open to reveal an exhausted man trying to catch his breath.

"La-Lady Hokage... We need you in the medical center. An ANBU member needs you immediately." The man huffs.

"Kotetsu, what happened?" Lady Hokage, Lady Tsunade, asks urgently.

"I don't know. She just came in the gate stumblingnd asking for you. She said her name was Yuki-" and poor Kotetsu couldn't finish because Tsunade was already going down to the medical center.


"Lady Hokage has a mission for us?" Kiba Inuzuka asked while sitting atop his dog.

"Yes. We need to find someone." Hinata said.

"Hmm. I wonder who." Shino questioned.

"I don't know exactly. We need to go see her at the medical center." Hinata replied.

"Then let's get going! I've been itching for a mission. Right Akamaru!?" Kiba smiled.

"Arrr!" Akamaru agreed.

Team 8 went on their way to the medical center. They got there and was greeted by Shizune; who let them in the room.

"Good afternoon Lady Hokage. You called for us?" Hinata greeted respectfully.

"Yes. We need to find someone." And Tsunade gestured to the lady in the bed.

"It's a girl. She's only 17 and isn't a ninja but she's being targeted by ninja. She's not in the great nations either. She's a regular girl in the town of Namimori. This is all I have of her. Please find her and bring her here. Please protect her." And the lady fell asleep after handing them a light blue headband.

Tsunade walked them outside to explain more.

"We need you to find her. Chakra will not work because she's not a ninja but sent should and Shino's bugs can help with sounds and smells. Hinata, you will go and be leader. You're a girl and she is too. She'll probably trust you most. Her name is Emi Brenckle. Here is a map of how to get there. Be careful. The ninja targeting her have apparently attacked her once before but Yuki fought some off along with some help. She just played it off I guess but you need to bring her here. It's imperative. Do not let her fall into the other's hands. Leave as soon as you can. We've already lost so much time. Go." And Tsunade walked away.

The team went to gather their things. They met up at the gate and set off for Namimori. It was a day and one night trip. They'll arrive tomorrow night or if their quicker it will be about the afternoon.

"Hinata, what do you think she'll be like?" Shino asked, curious of what the others were thinking about them going to get a total civilian who's never seen a ninja.

"Umm. I don't know. I hope she's nice. Her name is beautiful, don't you think so?" She asked.

"She'll probably fall madly in love with me for saving her." Kiba snickered as he daydreamed.

"Highly unlikely Kiba. Let's just stick to the mission." Shino stated nonchalantly.

They continued on their way, stopping to rest but woke an hour before the sun showed.

=-=Emi POV=-=

I rolled out of bed and got dressed to head over to the school. I had to take exit exams. Today was the last day of school then SUMMER!

I'm not a summer person. My favorite season is spring with all the beautiful colors and nice breezes, but I also enjoy winter with the beautiful white like nature is trying to start a new canvas to paint a beautiful spring scene.

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