Time To Engage

129 2 12

=-=3rd POV=-=


The cafeteria was filled with chatter and the sounds of utensils hitting plates.

Everyone sat with their friends and their usual groups.

"Hey, dude. Come sit with us. Come on man. It's been a month. We have an open seat and you are our teammate. We should get to know one another. We've only seen your bare abilities and you've been in training so when we did do missions, you weren't there. If a big one comes about, we need to be able to work together." The younger man said.

"I prefer eating alone." The raven head said in a monotone. The older brunette stepped forward, putting his hand on the raven's shoulder.

"Kyoya, come on. As team leader, I think we need to get together and learn about each other to better work together. Come eat with us." The brunette stepped back as the raven sighed deeply with a shake of the head. He stood and followed the two, not to his pleasure.

"So from what I've seen by you in the practice hall is you're more of a close range fighter which means that Kajiru can help support you from a distance. He is a long range fighter and works better in the background. Meanwhile, I can also help being long range as well but on the field. This helps balance out the team." The captain, Kanako, explained.

"And I'm not very good at fighting close range so you can also back me up if I need it." Kajiru added.

Kyoya listened quietly while eating his lunch. He nodded in acknowledgment when they stopped talking.

He finished his food and looked at the guys who were having a conversation amongst each other. They kept trying to engage him in the conversation but he gave minimal replies and stayed quiet. After a moment he stood, not saying a word and left the cafeteria, throwing his trash away on the way out.

*Bling* *Bling* *Bling*

A bell rang though out the hallways as Kyoya exercised in the practice room. Soon the room started filling up. The people filled in and stood in a squared group at attention. Kyoya found his team and stood with them, as he was to do, and stood at attention as well.

The bells stopped after a minute of ringing. Another minute and the room grew completely silent.

"Alrighty guys. Everyone ready? Today is a day where we put all of our hard work into play. We need to have our plans. Our team leaders need to lead fearlessly and make choices to help us win. The others on the team need to follow orders and try their hardest. Even if we lose, which we won't, we should be able to come back ready to try again. And if we win- I mean, when we win, we will celebrate greatly. Your team leaders have all the information already. Two teams will work together and it's set up to where it's the most efficient. Let's go! Let's win!" The overall captain, Sir Kaou cheered.

The whole room erupted in cheers then went into mumbles all around the room. Everyone was getting ready. Some were already leaving the practice hall and on their way to their duty.

"So, we are an exception. We will go out, but only us three is a unit. No one else will accompany us. We have a newer member, who is experienced, but still new. We haven't worked with him on something very big and adding more people will make it more difficult. Follow my orders. For now, go gather your gear and get dressed and ready for battle. You too, Kyoya. But don't go on your own and follow my orders. I will not tolerate any disobedience. Win or lose, even if we win because of you, you will be dealt with by me and will be on lockdown until you learn teamwork. Okay, dismissed." Kanako explained and gave his orders sternly. Everyone was already on their ways to get ready.

Love, Truth, Freedom (KHR)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن