Just Keep Moving

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"mm-ugh." I cried in pain as I became conscious. Attempting to open my eyes, the light caught me and I quickly closed them back. I tried again but slower and ignored the burning sensation in my eyes. As my eyes adjusted to the light and my vision cleared, I looked around to see a ceiling. Where am I? I tried to remember what happened.

My eyes shot open and I shot up in my spot, pushing aside my sore body. I looked around hastily.

"You're fine. I found you unconscious at the outskirts of the town. You have been here for two hours asleep. What happened?" A very familiar voice asked.

I looked around. The room wasn't familiar recently but, I do have some recollection of it. I believe it's a mansion and I was in the common room. But, that was not important right now.

"Where's Hibari-San?" I asked worried.

"I only saw you. I asked Lussaria to heal you but, he could only do so much. You alright?" Squalo asked.

"N-no. Where's Hibari-San? He can't... be... he... can't..." I frantically denied. Tears streaming down my cheeks, I shook my head in disbelief and displeasure. This can't be true... NO! It can't be happening.... I cried in my head but, I knew that my wishes were not true. My face fell into my hands and I just cried. Ignoring my refusal to cry. Ignoring my aching body, the pain surging through it from the fight before. I may have been healed some, but, that doesn't mean I don't feel any pain. But, at this moment, I was feeling a different pain more prominent and one that sun flames can't heal.

I heard footsteps coming towards me then something warm wrapping me tight. I looked up surprised by the sudden action.

"It will be okay. Whatever it was that happened, at least you are safe. You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to. But, I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on." Squalo said over my shoulder.

He was hugging me. After a second I hugged him back. "Thank you, Squalo-San." I cried on his shoulder, unable to contain the stinging tears.

He rubbed my back and head, comforting me. After a few moments, I released my arms from around him and he let me go in response. I looked up to him and he wiped away the tears running down my cheeks.

In the manga and anime, he may have not shown it openly, but, he's pretty caring. My memories and now show that he does have a nice side. That was one of the reasons I called him Nii-san in the past. I kind of want to again.

He got up and walked over to a couch across the room. "Here. I found this on you when I saw you." He handed me a black coat. I took it hesitantly and fingered the cloth in my hands. This very familiar texture. I moved over to the left arm of the coat and tears fell again, seeing the dreaded red and gold armband that was left behind. 'During the Shimon battle of pride, you put that there armband up as your pride. You won because that was how much pride you took in the committee. You said it yourself, 'pride isn't something you can easily give up'.' That was what I had said to him. I don't take back what I said, nor do I regret saying it. But the fact that he left it, was it because I mentioned it? But overall, that fact that he left it.....

Tears brimmed my eyes again and I hugged the coat and let the tears fall.

Squalo patted my shoulder and I looked up at him. He had a small smile. "You want to get some ice cream?"

I gave a small grin. "Sure." I sighed some.


We got to the ice cream shop and ordered our ice creams. We got them and sat. Squalo had a simple vanilla and chocolate swirl. I had a mint chocolate chip Sunday with chocolate syrup atop.

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