The New Students

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The next morning I woke up at my normal time thanks to my alarm set on my phone. I hit the snooze.

"Mive more minutes" I groaned in my pillow. I got up when it went off again.

I got dressed and went to the kitchen. I didn't feel like going over to Tsuna's. I wanted to some banana pancakes and a milkshake to-go.

I sat and had my breakfast then made my milkshake and went over to Tsuna's. I waited by the gate.

Then I overheard a conversation between three familiar voices from behind.

"You look like a tuff dude. You wanna hang with me and my friends?" One guy said.

"Why?" The other one said.

"Because we are cool and we are going to be the best in this town. No one will dare mess with us" the other one said.

I wasn't trying to listen no matter who it was but it was a quiet morning; surprisingly. It's hard not to.

"I have my friends. I don't really care what you are doing" the second guy said.

"Hey come on. Give us a chance. You'd be great. Hey you may even become the boss's right hand man. What do ya think?" The first guy pressed.

"Nah. I already have my boss. And I'm already his right hand man" he said and I chuckled.

Gokudera-kun is too loyal to Tsuna to change bosses.

I turn to see who's trying to recruit Gokudera-kun and see two faces I'm not pleased to see.

Gokudera-kun apparently saw me too because he made his way over, leaving those two bullies behind, but they didn't let him get too far.

"Ayy Emi-San" Yamamoto called to me coming from behind the three.

"Ayy new girl. Where's Tsuna?" Gokudera asked.

"I'm waiting for him. I didn't eat over here today" I said.

"Look who we have here. It's the robot otaku from the park yesterday" the guy named Yuki teased.

"Haha. Yeah. What ya gonna do today? Get someone to save you again?" The other guy said.

I just looked at them like I didn't care. I didn't.

"Hey you want to go see if he's up?" I asked Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto.

They were kind of confused but agreed.

We went up to the door and rang the doorbell. Not too long, the door was answered.

"Oh Emi-San. You are here pretty late. You missed your alarm?" She asked me.

"No. I just wanted to eat at home this morning. I love your food but I do like to make something myself sometimes. Is Tsuna coming today?" I asked.

"Yes. He got dressed late today. Tsu-kun!" She called to Tsuna upstairs.

He came running down and actually didn't trip this time. We all walked together out the gate and those annoying bullies were still there.

"Miss Robot. Do you compute that we are trying to communicate with you?" The other guy said.

"Joi. Nice one" Yuki cracked up.

I still ignored them and kept walking. Gokudera got tired of them and went to defend me but I stopped him.

"It's okay Gokudera-kun. I've been teased a lot before. This is nothing. Let's get to school before we're late" I said.

"We aren't that-- HEEEIIIII!! RUN!!!" Tsuna shouted after looking at his phone.

We all took off running. I am still not too built for that so I just walked. I still didn't want to be late. Hibari said that even though I was part of the DC and didn't have to attend class, but I couldn't slack off.

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