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We went up to the roof and I had my fans. I had all four pair of my fans. They were so cute. Different styles which made it easier for me to tell them apart but the stylesheet very similar. If you weren't paying very close attention you wouldn't even notice. I looked over them while Shouichi-Chan explained them to me a bit.

After he explained them to me, I tested it out. Well, I was about to when Reborn stopped me.

"Let Leon help." He said and Leon jumped off his fedora and on the ground. After he morphed into a target, "He will change the more you hit him in good places. Sometimes even when you're aiming. He'll even move positions." Reborn continued then stood by the wall.

I nodded then got into a stance. Along with my chakra training, the ninja thought it slightly useless if I didn't even know HOW to fight. They gave me basics, tips, and spared me. I've grown a lot, but I can go even further. I just know it.

First he was an oval shape target and the center circle was pretty big. From what I knew, Reborn wasn't watching me like a hawk while I trained. Then again, he may have. I know he did every now and then, I saw him both directly watching and in costume. He cosplays a lot and is very good but I still saw him a good bit of times.

"Reborn-San, did you watch over my training a lot? Like more than I thought? Or will I surprise you?" I asked out right.

"No. At first, I didn't expect you to see me in cosplay and hiding, but you did. From what you saw, I didn't watch but maybe three or four times at a distance and didn't like it, so I stopped and trained Tsuna. He was slacking. But I don't think you'd surprise me. Heh," he said, and after tilted his fedora to hide his face.

"Let's bet then? If I do surprise you, and be honest, hmm... pay for everyone to go out for karaoke and dancing at Stardom Stadium after school, and you have to sing and/or dance to whatever song we tell you. If someone requests a song for you, do it, no questions. And don't worry if you don't know it, the lyrics will be on the screen." I snickered and Kabe-kun grinned trying to hold back a laugh.

"And what do I get if I surprise you?" He asked.

"I'll buy or make you coffee the rest of today and tomorrow. Plus, I'll be your little slave tomorrow, TO AN EXTENT. There will be a limit to how far you can push me. Deal?" I held out my hand.

".... Deal" and he shook my hand.

I got back to my stance facing Leon. Kabe-kun called begin and I started with my knife fan and hit directly in the center. Not too high or too low, not too left or too right. Perfect. He dropped the knife and shifted; he changed to a regular circle target and I shot both the knife and shuriken and they hit circling the dead center point perfect with a needle, (they didn't have and tranquilizer serum in them. He gave me two sets of needles, some with and some without.), in the dead center. Right now, my knives and shurikens don't have strings attached. He gave me some with and without for them, also.

He dropped it all and moved position while changing into two separate targets that were smaller versions of the first. I hit them both with shurikens perfectly. He dropped those and returned together. He changed into an air balloon and floated with a target on one side and then I saw Reborn had fruit ready to throw. I saw that on the said of my eye so I didn't take my eyes off Leon. I shot a needle at the balloon and I knew Reborn was waiting for that to throw the fruit. When he did, I was like a fruit ninja, slicing all the fruit that came my way. Some were even sliced multiple times. Watermelon, oranges, apples, cantaloupe, honeydew, mangoes, etc. I was cutting all while moving swiftly and keeping and eye out and guard up. And as I was doing this, Leon was changing, constantly in different shapes and the very center, red circle was changing too, getting bigger and smaller and changing shape. I hit him with my knives and shurikens and still cut the fruit.

I moved swift, fast, and did not miss a beat. It was graceful like I was dancing and splashes of fruit flying and the sun glistening through it made it even more beautiful. I looked like a fan dancer, dancing in the snow to a beautiful harmony. But not ballroom music. Something a bit more upbeat but mellow. (Like the song up there^) It was beautiful.

That went on for a minute or two then the fruit stopped. Leon changed to more targets and I saw a woman walking into the school. I saw her from the side of my eye. Didn't see her too clearly, I was moving fast, but she looked familiar. When Leon moved, he moved to where I could see who she was. He may have not known or it was part of his plan but I did. It was only for a second because when I saw her, I hit Leon so he had moved again and I followed, but she was also gone in a second. That didn't stop me from totally recognizing her.

When Leon changed into another air balloon, I shot a needle at him and popped him right in the center. My guard was still up, especially after seeing her, so I sensed something coming. I was right.

When I turned around, I instantly guarded myself against an attack from the girl of  before. She snickered in pleasure.


This is short, but I wanted to hear who you guys thought the girl would be. Who? Please comment.

I'm happy. I don't know why, but I am.

I'm a junior in high school. Yesterday night was the senior prom. I could've gone, but didn't. I didn't have the money. My friends went though. Hehe. When they were out at prom spending money, I was at home babysitting and earning money. I guess it was good... I don't know.

If you guys like this story, and have read my crossover for OHSHC (if not then please check it out), or have seen or read OHSHC and want to read my new fanfic in planning, then go for it. Nothing's official and I'm still thinking of it. It will be another sucked in the manga. I may do a few of those with my faves. All in the air right now.

If you would like to make the cover or have some ideas that you think I may like to include or cheer me on, then comment or pm me. I love hearing from you guys. And if I do like the ideas, I may dedicate a chapter to you in the new book. Or if you throw in ideas for this book, then I'd dedicate it to this book.

Thanks for reading and see you again. Bye~Bi.

Love, Truth, Freedom (KHR)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang