Origin: Cervello

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The Vongola stared in utter terror as three of their friends lay on the ground unconscious. They were about to panic or fight with a judgment clouded in anger. That was until Tsuna groaned in pain as he sat up holding his head.

"Bossu!" Chrome called.

"Judaime, lay down for a bit. Are you okay?" Gokudera went to aid Tsuna.

Mukuro didn't even look to the brunette but instead had steady eyes on the newest groupie and kept his guard up with the other girl he saw from the corner of his eye.

Yamamoto stayed by Emi's side clearly sad but brewing with anger. The usually calm but enthusiastic baseball player had nothing else but pure resentment in his eyes.

Although no one even noticed, another had joined the party right before Emi blacked out. The group felt awful upon seeing the new guest.

He stumbled over to the limp girl and fell to his knees. Yamamoto stood and backed away, leaving the girl with the older man.

The man rose and glared at the women. Eyes so intense it was no wonder how he acquired the nickname Shark.

Squalo joined the group as Tsuna stood and limped over to the group. The 10th got into hyper dying will mode as his friends prepared and got serious.

The 2 girls on the roof stood, obviously hurt by Emi's attack. They had cuts all over and even their clothes where ripped here and there.

"That little -- she actually got me." The short haired girl flinched in pain as she stood. "MAN THIS HURTS!"

The short haired girl growled as her eyes shot to the 2 unconscious beings on the ground. Her hand went up and swiped the air. The group looked to the other side of the roof and there laid the two.

Emi had landed on her right side with a frightening drop. Her head hitting the ground a bit before she did. Her back faced the group as her face was next the to ledge.

Hibari was laid on his back, but how he fell was even more terrifying. The knife had been removed by Yamamoto before hand so that's not what worried them. It's how his head his the ground in a such a dive. If he did wake up and survive, it would be back home as well as possibly paralyzed. But, the group felt that he wouldn't even be so lucky with that fall.

"AND MORE!!!" The woman shouted as knives and needles shot towards them. Squalo ran to protect them but was too late. He was only able to stop some from hitting Emi. Hibari was stabbed more. Albeit, that woman aimed most of the knives at Emi. Only 2 had hit Hibari, one being knocked off trajectory. One hit him in the shoulder and the other hit in the middle of his torso.

The young group was frozen in fear at the gruesome scene to their right.

I'm... I'm so sorry Nee-chan. I'm- Squalo couldn't speak the words aloud, his voice being choked out at the thought of how Emi would take this news.

"How... distasteful. To over kill some kids. What a nightmare it must be in your familiga." The indigo pineapple spat with disgust.

He spun his trident over head and whipped it to the right as the roof caved in, and a black space swallowed everyone.

You could hear a small laugh from them until lillies bound the girls and the roof was back as before. The girls were bound... for a second.

The girls laughed again.

"Is this really all you've got?" The fast girl said as she appeared behind the illusionist.

He spun on his heal and swung his trident at her but she was over by Yamamoto. He went to hit her but she was again gone and by someone else.

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