Wishes vs. Actions

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*Ding Dong*

The tardy bell rang loud while I sat on my assigned spot on the floor of the gym. I laid back and closed my eyes, just taking a small relaxation before we go to exercising.

So Hibari came as well... What is he gonna do now? I... I hope he comes back to Vongola... at least.

I saw our new students walking to their spots as well. Coach yelled so everyone could hear. "Go get changed! You got five minutes!" After she said that, the floor was clear of people besides 8 people who stayed seated.

Six were the new students who didn't have the gym uniform and the last two were the kids who didn't bring their uniform. I had mine so I went to change. I was in and out quickly like usual. I was towards the front of the group because my last name had a B. The others sat in the back because they were new. As I walked to me spot i smiled at the group of juniors that were in my class.

There were three gym classes at once. That just ment one coach had a few of the students to watch over and there were three coaches. Everyone did the same thing and you listened to all of the coaches. This school had many students and the gym was huge so it could easily accommodate three gym classes.

I looked to the class beside me and it was a senior class. Both Hibari and Ryohei had that group. When I looked to Hibari, he was looking towards me as well. I gave a friendly smile as I turned to the front. I had to out up a smile because I'm the happy-go-lucky girl and didn't have time for being sad. I was on a mission nonetheless. And, I was going to talk to him when we walked the track. That was certain.


"Emi-san, is that...?" Tsuna asked hesitantly, having seen him walk in the gym with me.

"Yes. That's Hibari-san. We have the class before this together with Ryohei-nii. I'm not sure why has here either. Byakuran probably broughthim over by a mistake." I explained and turned to look at the raven haired male. "But that's what we are gonna find out."

I started walking towards him, followed by my friends. We caught up to him and he looked annoyed.

"What do you want and why are you crowding me, herbivores?" Hibari hissed.

"Hibari-san... How- How have things been?" Tsuna started.

"Don't speak to Judaime like that. Why did you leave? And why are you here? You left the Vongola. Don't think you can join with that attitude. I will blow you to bits for Judaime if--" Gokudera was angry. He was cut off to his displeasure, though.

"Ma ma, Gokudera-kun. Let him explain." Yamamoto put his hand on Gokudera's shoulder in a calming manner. Gokudera was about to shout at the baseball player when Hibari spoke.

"Stop crowding around me, herbivores." He hissed at us.

"Hibari-san. Why are you here? You gave you're gear up and left." Tsuna looked to Hibari. Hibari stayed silent.

"Ky- *sigh* Hibari-san. You said you didn't want to be apart of the Disciplinary Committee or Vongola. But you were brought here as well by mistake. We have to work together to get out of here. Please?" I choked when I was about to call Hibari's first name. He told me he wasn't my friend anymore. I just couldn't bring myself to try and bring things back to before. Not when he was pushing me even father away. I felt I'd just set him off if I were to call him by his first name. I looked to him after a second.

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