The Past To Present

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I woke up early the next morning. I woke up because of a noise.

I looked around and thought it was either the wind or just my dream. Then it happened again.

It sounded like a rock hitting my window. It WAS a rock hitting my window.

I got up and put my legs on to reach my window.

When I opened it, I saw....

"KEI!?!" I was flabbergasted. Why is he here so early? It's 3 am.

"Hi. Did I wake you?" He said looking up to me.

"Well ja. It's like 3 in the morning. What are you doing up this early?" I asked.

He chuckled by the way I said it. "Well actually. I only slept on and off tonight..... thinking. I finally couldn't take it and came here, still thinking" he said.

A thought crossed my mind but I shook it off because I didn't want to get the wrong ideas.

"Thinking of what? And how could I possibly help?"

"How about we take a walk?" He said.

I looked at him for a second and thought. I guess my initial idea was correct..... maybe.... should I? But I'm tired..... I'll just sleep later. If it's what I'm thinking then I want to get it over with.

"I'll be right down" I said and got my coat. I was already wearing regular shorts and a tank top, so I just need to throw on a jacket to look okay...

I left from my window. He was scared for me because I was on the second floor but I made it. I think I almost gave him a heart attack though.


"Yeah. They are but I have some of my karate teachers here. It's not that I'm not allowed out, it's that I don't want them tagging along all the time and I didn't want to disturb them. I did it the first time I came out and you saw me at the park. I did the same thing" I said.

He just shook his head. "You're crazy" and he smiled.

"So where we gonna go?" I asked.

"Come. You'll see" he said taking me by the hand and pulling me.

After we got out of the gate, I let go of his hand and continued to follow him.

"So how do I help with this problem?" I asked wanting to say something.... anything.

"Just wait. It's a surprise" and he kept walking.


We eventually stopped in front of a building. It was a school. Looked like a preschool.

Pre·Nami Preschool I read the name that was extremely faded. Looked deserted.

"Do you remember this place?" He asked.

"Huh? Uhh... no. Sorry" I shrugged.

"Awww. Really? Come on. Think harder" he smiled happily and pleading.

"Yeah nope. Still not ringing any bells. Sorry. I don't remember anything before when I moved and such.... and most of my clear memories are of my time in America. The things of here are really blurry" I said.

"Heh. I guess you can't help it. Your memories are crazy huh. Hehe" he gave a half hearted chuckle. "Come on. Let's go in."

I followed him in the abandoned looking school building.

"Apparently this school was shut down here and moved to a different location. This was the school we first met at. You did say the other day that you don't remember anything but that one event and even that was still fuzzy. Here. This is the classroom" he said opening the door.

I went in with him. It felt familiar, yet unfamiliar. Like I've been here but it's completely different.

Kei walked over to the board in the back of the room and sat down. He patted the floor next to him for me to sit.

I sat on my knees next to him cautiously.

I looked around the room. The only thing that came to mind was that event when the kid gave me the earrings. I was sitting on the floor by the board like now. He's reminding me of that moment on purpose.

I looked to him and his face was entirely too close for comfort. I backed up quickly.

"KEI!!?" Was all I could manage.

He looked at me surprised.

"S-sorry. I was going in my pocket and leaned over. I didn't expect you to look to me" he stuttered when he talked. He pulled out a white box.

"Oh. It caught me off guard. What-what's that" I was slightly relieved but then there was the box.

"Well. This is why I brought you here" and he opened it up and held it out to me.

"It's like a recreation of the moment from back then just a little different. I bought these a few days ago and waited for the right moment."

He looked so sweetly at me.

I looked at the earrings in the box. Heart-shaped, sterling silver, hoop earrings. They look beautiful. I looked back at him.

"It may have been years ago, I may have done the wrong things throughout those years, but the feelings never changed. Even if, back then, you didn't feel that way, things change. My feelings didn't change." He looked so serious and gentle and sweet. "Emi Brenckle. I'm in love with you. Would you go out with me?"

I looked at him with a loss for words. He was being straightforward and truthful. He was sweet.

I dropped my head. "I-I'm sorry. It's not because of what you did in the past. I liked hanging out with you lately but.... I don't feel that way." Was my answer to his heartfelt confession. I felt like crying because I didn't want to hurt him. I felt like the bad guy.

"I-it's okay..... I understand.... don't be so sad. Be happy. That's one thing I like about you. At least let me see your beautiful smile."

I looked up and he had a sad smile. He was trying to get me to smile. I smiled for him.

"There it is. Here. You keep these. I got them for you." he poked my cheek. He stood up and went out the back door.

I followed.

The sun was coming up. The sunrise was beautiful. Kei leaned against the bar that was there and I sat on it. We looked at the sunrise. It really was beautiful.

He looked at me and I looked at him. He gave me a smile and stood up.

"The sky's pretty this morning" I said.

"Not as pretty as you" he said and kissed my cheek. "Sorry. Just one" he said playfully and left to the door.

I was caught so off guard but I followed him out the door.

He walked me back home and it was still really early. Only 5:39 am. I made my way to my window and snuck back in. It's a secret how I got in my second story window.

I got back in bed and went to sleep. Or at least tried at first. The thing with Kei was getting to me.

I just rejected him and he said he's liked me since preschool. Was that was right of me? Did I do good or bad? I don't like him like that. I'd rather just stay friends. The one I like is..... Kyo-kun... Right?? I thought to myself then fell asleep.


Haha. Doing two stories simultaneously is interesting. I just updated my second book just before.

I'm very happy for my stories.

Arigato😻 Bye~Bi

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