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"Sorry. We aren't hiring at this moment." The lady behind the counter said with an apologetic expression. I nodded to her and left the store.

"Not hiring?"

I nodded to him and we walked off.

"*sigh* It's either I'm too young or they are not hiring. This is so annoying. So not easy finding a job.... Hey. Kabe-kun. I don't think you have a job being the vice president but do any other members have one that you know of?" I asked.

He thought for a second. "No. I don't think so. Hibari-San does pay us, not much, but we never really needed to have a job. We would sometimes do odd jobs for pay but don't have real jobs." Kabe-kun explained.

I nodded in understanding.

"You want to stop and eat?" He said mentioning the store next to us. I didn't read the sign above it and didn't pay attention to the look outside. I was tired of all the walking and was a bit hungry so I took his offer.

We went in and found a seat. Then the waiter came.

"May I take your orders? Oh hey Emi-san. What brings you here?" Yamamoto said when I looked up.

I realized that this was his family's restaurant. I've only been here like two or three times and I wasn't really paying attention today.

"Nothing much. I was looking for a job and decided to take a break. I see you're working today as well. Good." I smiled.

"Really? And Kusakabe, too? Isn't this your first time here? You two came together?" He asked with his go lucky smile.

"Yeah. He's been helping me attempt to find a job. But so far, no luck at all. Maybe I'll never find a job..." I sighed.

"You're looking for a job? Well you could work here. I was thinking of hiring but wasn't sure. I'll hire you, if you like." Yamamoto's father walked up.

I looked at him wide eyed and hopeful. I nodded eagerly. "Thank you so much. I will certainly not let you down." I said and continued on. "One thing is that I'm part of the Disciplinary Committee so I may be called out unexpectedly." I said a bit calmer.

He chuckled. "That's fine. You have to do what you have to do. I understand. Just work hard but not too hard. Don't want to make yourself sick or get hurt. I'm renovating the shop a bit so it'll be closed for a while. I'll get Takeshi to call you when it's done." He explained.

I nodded politely. "Thank you sir."

"Don't call me sir. I may be your boss now but I don't like that formal stuff. Just call me Yamamoto. And call Takeshi by his first name or it'll get confusing. I'll just take your orders. What will it be?" And he took the orders and made them. Takeshi delivered them to us and we ate.

After, we went back to the school to tell Kyo-kun about the job. We got there and he was sitting at his desk looking at papers on his desk.

*KNOCK KNOCK* and we opened the door more.

He just barely looked up. "Yes?" He asked indifferent.

"Kyo-kun. Guess what. I finally found a job. It will be a while before I start because they are renovating the store but I have a job at Yamamoto's sushi restaurant." I said skipping over to his desk with a big smile.

He looked up at me. "That's good. Now is that all?" He asked with a kind of strict tone of voice.

"Y-yes. Kyo-kun, are you okay? I thought you'd be happier or something." I said worried.

"What's there to be happy about? All I heard was that you have job. Nothing much. Now, that aside, I wanted to talk with you, in private." And he looked to Kabe-kun and Kabe-kun left. He offered me to take a seat on the couch.

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