The Bulling

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I woke up to find a soft blanket on me that smelled of a garden of flowers and it made me think of a beautiful scenery.

I smiled and opened my eyes to see it was Hibari-San's blanket. I saw Hibari on the other couch asleep sitting up. He looked content and serene.

I sat up ever so quiet. I remember that episode were Hibari had a cold and was at the hospital. Tsuna was put into his room because no one that visited him would be quite. Hibari said that he will wake up to the sound of a leaf falling.

I was trying to be even quieter than that. I put my legs on and because when the pin on the bottom on the liner goes to lock inside the leg it clicks, I held the button that loosens it so it wouldn't click. I got up and looked at him. So peaceful. I smiled then left. 

When I got out the door and down the hall some, I sighed of relief.

I was headed to the cafeteria for lunch which was in 4 minutes. I do not like standing in long lines and my independent study teacher will let the students leave 3 minutes early. She didn't say that but she doesn't stop them.

I made it before my class did.

I got in line and waited for the lunch ladies to come out. I didn't see any. I rechecked the time and I had it right. Lunch in 4 minutes.

I went to the back suspicious.

The staff were cooking still. None of them seamed to notice the time because they were taking their time and some just chatting.

"Do you guys know what time it is?" I asked and all eyes darted to me.

"Students aren't allowed back here" one lunch lady said.

"I'm part of the Disciplinary Committee. I can come back here. I was just wondering if you were okay because lunch is in 3 minutes" I said and everyone looked to the clock. They sweat dropped.

"I can help if you need an extra pair of hands" I offered and they took.

"Sure. Would you bring these out there?" Another lunch lady said handing me a tray of desserts.

I was going back and forth with the trays. They never gave me a hot tray but I did help a lot. After 2 minutes, some of the finished foods were out in the settings ready to be served.

They thanked and said they had the rest and that I was a big help.

My class had shown up a minute ago and waited. But I was served first. I did get there way before they did.

I went up to the roof where Tsuna and them already were. I started eating.

"So that's where you were" Yamamoto said seeing my plate.

"Huh?" I said.

"You were sitting in the cafeteria then getting your lunch from there. We were wondering where you went off to last class" Yamamoto said.

"No. I went to the Disciplinary Committee office and slept then went to get lunch. I didn't bring one today either. If you haven't noticed, I don't bring my own lunches" I shrugged.

"Why? You can't cook or something?" Gokudera asked.

"It's not that. I didn't normally cook at home before and I never brought my own lunch then either because we always woke up really early. I wake up around 7:30 here but at home, I woke up for 5 because school started at 8:20 and my bus came for 6. They served breakfast there, though. I never had time to make my own lunch. I'm not used to this yet. Eventually, I may make my own lunch but I never thought of it" I said continuing to eat. We all finished our meals and talked. We were standing next to a wall.

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