The Shark, The Lady

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I sat up to answer my phone. It was Tsuna calling. I answered.

"Hey. My mom wanted to invite you to breakfast. It may be late but from time to time, she cooks late and let's me sleep. So. You want to come over?" He asked.

Might as well. It may cheer me up some, being around happy people. It normally does. And after I could take a walk. Maybe stroll around the shopping district or something.

"Sure. I'll be right over." And I hung up. I jumped out of bed and got dressed.

I got there and the door was already open. I walked in and tapped the door. "Hello?"

"We're in the kitchen. Come in." I heard Fuuta say. I came in and closed the door. Then came a Tsuna falling down the stairs and landing on the floor by my feet.

"Now what are you doing down there? Your feet belong on the ground, not your face." I chuckled. I like to tease sometimes.

"Very funny." He said chuckling himself and rubbing the sore spot on his head.

We went to the kitchen and all took seats.

"Okay. Dig in." Mama said.

I got my plate and thanked her then ate. Her food was always delicious. Everyone else did the same as usual. Lambo even attempted at stealing my food. Nope. He tried but I moved my plate too quick. He tried multiple times with no success. The last time I got a bit annoyed.

"Touch my food and I won't give you any snacks!" I hissed. It seemed to break his heart to hear that.

"But I'm the great Lambo.... you shall bow to me.. and give... me your food... NO I WANT THE SNACKS!!!! PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY SNACKS!!" He cried.

"Then leave my food alone from now on. Okay? Good."

"So I can still get snacks?"


"YAY!! Tsuna, I command you give the great Lambo your food!" He went right back to demanding.

At least he left me alone.

At the end of the meal, we picked up our plates and mama went on to wash them. Everyone else, minus Lambo and I-Pin, sat back at the table.

"So, Emi. You want to practice today? Tsuna is ready to help." Reborn asked.

"HUH?!" Tsuna gasped.

"No. I'm fine. Actually I just want to take a walk today. I have nothing planned so I just want to take a break and walk a bit. Maybe go look around the shopping district. Get used to the place. It's still a bit new to me. I've only been here a few months and in that time, I pretty much practiced so I wouldn't hold back Hibari-San and the disciplinary committee. I also helped you study and work on projects. I just want a break." I said smiling.

It was part fake to be honest. I was happier than before. Like I said. People make me feel better. But I was still a bit worried about Hibari-San. It hurt to hear that I wasn't special or a friend. Just another one of the Committee. Like a pawn. But it was also contradictory. He was happy when he found I had returned instead of dying. He gave me a nice gift even though he didn't have to. It didn't sit right. The glare he gave me then was cold, but I could see something else. But what?

I didn't want to think about it anymore. Maybe I just needed some fresh air. Some of the clothes I have are small or ripped and tore. I would fix them myself but some are just not repairable. I also just wanted to check out the shopping district a bit more.

"Do you think I could tag along? Just us girls, you know." Bianchi suggested.

Perhaps not a totally bad idea. Her thoughts on guys, though, are all surrounded by Reborn. She may be helpful up to a point. Sure.

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