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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" A loud blonde in bright orange and black walked in and started shouting. He pointed his finger at me as I just chuckled.

I kind of expected it. I mean, Ichiraku Ramen is his favorite restaurant. So of course the loud kid would walk right in. But he was being loud. Also expected.

"Would you pipe down Naruto! People are trying to eat!" Sakura hissed but Naruto kept pointing at me still obviously confused.

"Naruto, you've met Emi-Chan before?" Kakashi sensei asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

"Yeah. I was with Pervy Sage walking through a town I've never seen before. He said he had someone to talk to so I had to tag along. She walked into the dojo we were at and into a special room that was not open to regular students." Naruto explained.

"Heh. Yeah. I was going over to Sensei's to see what he needed me for and he attacked me. I could tell it was ninja by the shuriken and kunai he used. Hi. I'm Emi Brenckle. Call me Emi." And I put my hand out to shake.

He eyeballs me unsure about me. "I'm Naruto. You're a ninja? You did ninjutsu when I saw you. And you said Sakura, Shikamaru, and Kakashi sensei trained you!"

"Yes. That is true, but she's not a ninja really. We taught her some chakra control as well as a few techniques but she wasn't trained to become a full ninja. She's not from a great nation and has no ninja clan." Kakashi explained.

"Oh... So you're not an enemy?" Naruto looked to me.

"Not at all. I'd rather be a friend. How about it Naruto?" I chirped.

He looked at me then sat in the seat next to me. "A bowl of pork ramen please!"

"Coming right up." Teuchi calls to Naruto.

"Sure but what are you doing here in Kanoha?" Naruto asked me.

"Someone wanted to see me. I don't know who. An ill ninja who wanted to see me. That's all I know." I said, eating my ramen.

"Are you going to see them? Do you think I could come along?" He asked, slurping his ramen down and asked for a second.

"After I finish this last bowl. I don't mind if you come along." I chirped then I sipped the broth and set my bowl down.

Sakura and Kakashi stood as I did. So did my friends. Naruto's face dropped. 

"Come on. I just got here." Naruto whined as his bowl was sat in front of him. He quickly slumped it down and got up, following us.

We got to the medical center and made it to the room. Lady Tsunade was walking down the hall up to the door from the opposite way were coming from.

"Emi? Your just getting here? Come on. Let me introduce you. Was your ramen good?" She asked.

"It was great. Thanks." I chirped as she opened the door.

My eyes landed on the lady in the bed. I had to take a second look. My smile fell as I saw her lying there with bandages glour. She looked to the door and her eyes went wide for a second and a sad smile replaced it.

I dropped to the floor, eyes locked on the person. Tears ran down my cheeks as I heard mumbles behind me.

=-=3rd POV=-=

Emi dropped to the floor crying. Everyone was shocked, confused. The ninja, Lady Tsunade, Alex's friends. Only Reborn understood what was going on but he stayed quiet.

Emi stood up and ran over to the bed and hugged her, crying into her shoulder.

"It's okay baby girl. It's okay. I'm right here sweetie. No need to cry. Shhh  shhh. It's okay." The lady pet Emi's hair as she cried.

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