I knock on the door over and over waiting for her to answer. The door flies open revealing some one I didn't expect "Jonah?" Ethan looks at me confused, I didn't know what I looked like but I knew I was red and covered in my own tear "wheres lucy?" My voice was shakey, Sofia comes to the door and frowns at me "Jonah" she was quiet, she knows what happend "where is she?" I squeak, Sofia looks at the ground "She's gone" Ethan stays quiet between us "where!?" I almost yell, Sofia looks at me "I have no idea, her and Daniel left for the airport this morning" I grit my teeth, of course Daniel went. My mind couldn't choose what feelings it wanted, I was angry, sad and hurt. "Why?" I croak and fall to the ground, Sofia comes to my side "I'm sorry Jonah" I covered my wet  face with her letter "She's gone?" My voice barely audible, Sofia puts her hand on my bare shoulder "for now, she wants to move on Jonah. I know it's hard but its the way she wants" i pull my hair out of frustration "IT ISN'T FAIR, I LOVE HER" Sofia flinches, but she didn't move away from me "I know Jonah, just give her this, let her grow" I stand up throwing a punch at the side of the house and Sofia screeches, pain shoots all over my body. Ethan grabs me pulling me away from the house, my hand was covered in blood and cuts. I knew I broke it but I didn't want to go to the emergency room and I wish i didn't scare Sofia "I'm sorry sof, i-i didn't mean to scare you" Sofia ran to us "Jonah you need to get to hospital right now, you're losing a lot of blood" I begin to feel dizzy, Ethan pulls me to a car that I can only guess is his "I'm fine, take me to Lucy! I want lucy" I groan, I feel myself blacking in and out. Sofia tries to talk to me but all her words sounded like gibberish. The last thing I remembered was her scared face, "I didn't mean to frighten you" *Jonah blackouts*

When I wake up I'm in a hospital bed with a cast around my hand, I look around the room and realise it was dark outside and I was alone. I didn't quite remember some of things I did but the main part I do is the pain I felt after reading her letter, the only relief was the punching of her house of brick. The quick punch relieved the pain for a few minutes before I finally blackouted. The door opens pulling me from my thoughts, a lady with similar hair to Lucy walks in "oh you're finally awake" she smiles and I nod, my head throbbed from crying "I'm just gonna ask you a few questions okay?" She stands beside me writing down on her notepad as I answered  each question. After about 10 questions she leaves me alone in the room again. I wish it didn't end this way, I wish I can go back and fix all of this, fix me, so I'm worthy enough of her love.

On the table next to me is the letter, I pick it up starring at the page. She's gone, and there's nothing I can do because even if I found her she won't let me back in. When Lucy decides anything it takes her awhile go change her mind. Maybe one day everything will change, everything would go back normal but for right now I have no idea what to do with myself. Although my heart wants me to lay in bed and mourn her even though she isn't dead, the only thing dead is us. My mind wants me to thrive without her but it will take me a little before I can partly recover.

complicated; jonah marais {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now