Shower Symphonies {Kuroko x Reader}

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Heehee it's me!!!


The chill of the water almost made you jump away from the shower head, not having waited for the water to warm before stepping behind the curtains into the tub. You sucked in a breath as the water ran down your back, slowly beginning to warm against your skin.

You wrapped your arms around your body, staring out at nothing as you absorbed yourself in your thoughts, the one place you never liked being. Before you could think too much - as you had a tendency to do - gentle hands slid along your sides, tickling you. You know he hadn't intended on making you laugh, but you couldn't help the giggle his fingers drew out of you.

He slid his arms around your waist to pull you close, resting his chin on your shoulder as you turned to see his face.

"Tetsuya, you startled me," you smiled just seeing his face, but of course, him giving you the occasional scare wasn't out of character at all.

"Ah, sorry, (Y/N)," he apologized, voice sweet and calm beside your ear, goosebumps crawling along your skin as you felt his breath against your ear. Your cheeks flushed, turning to look at him with a grin before you placed a kiss to his cheek.

As promised, you had, well, a little show planned for him, and he'd come to witness it. Just as you two discussed. Kuroko was excited, eagerly waiting to see your performance.

In all honesty, it was the first time you'd had an audience, Kuroko about to be the first person to see you expose yourself in such a way. You teeth sank nervously into your bottom lip as you chewed on it a bit absentmindedly.

"Are you nervous?" Kuroko kissed along your shoulders, doing his best to soothe the rapid beating of your heart, which drummed loudly in your chest like it was ready to burst.

You weren't sure what to say, but you nodded your head. "No one's ever watched me do this before," you toyed with your hands in front of you, somewhat of a nervous habit you picked up from a friend you used to know.

"Here," Kuroko covered his eyes, arms pulling away from your body to prove to you he couldn't see past the dark of his palms. "Now I can't see you."

You let out a soft laugh and took in a shaky breath, calming yourself as best you could before you started, humming the melody of your favorite song. Just to set the mood.

The opening seemed to play by much too quickly as you began with the words. You knew every lyric, singing the song nearly better than the artist that wrote it.

Kuroko peeked through his fingers at your face, watching you sing. It was a little odd to need to be in the shower for this, but you didn't feel comfortable anywhere else.

He loved the sound of your voice; the way the words sounded when they spilled from your lips. He was so in love, and you had such an amazing voice. He just hoped the next time he heard it, it wouldn't be in the confined space of the bath that was just a little too small for the both of you.

When the song came to an end, Kuroko lavished you with praise, "you're incredible, (Y/N). You sound so lovely when you sing."

"Thank you," you blushed, the nervous beat of your heart still pounding away behind the smile you wore. You could've sworn your hands were still shaking, adrenaline running through your veins at a hundred miles a second.

"I only wish I could hear you more often," he tried.

"Ah, but the acoustics are always better in the bathroom. They're perfect for shower symphonies."


Hey! I'm back! I'm trying to get back into writing but writer's block has been kicking my ass lately.

I'll be doing my best to get back into updating more frequently, but I don't know when the ideas might hit.

Thanks for reading, and for sticking around for so long! Let's make it to 200 chapters!!!


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