You Just Make My Day! {Izuki x Reader}

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Okay, I'm writing this chapter with Izuki as the character, because Izuki is hilarious, and my spirit animal. I aspire to be that punny guy.



After what felt like pointless, and countless hours of wasted time, school finally concluded, and you made your way over to the gym, where basketball practice was being held. To say this was your first time there to watch them play, would be the biggest understatement of your life. You had been there more times than you could count on two hands.

But you were never there to watch the team as a whole, more like one player in specific. Izuki.

Not only did he never fail to make you laugh, even if his puns were terrible, he was the guy you had been crushing on for days, too shy to tell him your feelings, though.

You sighed moments after setting foot into the gym, as nervous thoughts filtered through your mind. You turned heel, ready to leave, and give up on your charade, when you felt a hand on your shoulder.

When you turned back around, you were quite surprised to be greeted with the usual, award-winning, Izuki smile.

"Where are you going, (Y/ N)? Don't tell me basketball isn't a-paw-ling enough for you!" He laughed at his own joke, and despite your nervousness, you felt a smile from on your own lips.

"Oh, no, never, Izuki. Staying is too won-fur-ful to miss!" Came your reply, followed by the annoyed groans from the other players, much to your and Izuki's amusement.

"So, are you saying, you wouldn't mind going out with me later?" He asked, and you started to laugh, thinking it was going to be yet another playful pun, before stopping immediately when his words sank in.

"Eh!?!" Came your shocked reply.

"Is that a no?" He looked disappointed.

You shook your head violently. "N-no, I'd love to!" Smiling happily as you spoke. He returned the friendly gesture with his own smile. The one that caused butterflies to swarm around in your heart.

"Oh, get a room already, you two!" A member of the team shouted, annoyed, causing a dark blush to arrive on your cheeks, and an obnoxious laugh from Izuki.

This was going to be a lot of fun.


Okay, so Izuki always makes me laugh with his terrible puns, and so I thought this fluffy chapter would be fun, but as soon as I decided to write it, nothing came to mind! Haha! But, anyways, hope you all liked this chapter!

Also, I go to school tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.


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