Ow {Kise x Reader}

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It had been eight days since the accident. Not much longer than a week, but he still couldn't get over the fact that you were gone.

He often found himself in your shared bedroom, blinds closed, lights off, cradling your pillow to his body. He missed many days of work. Too many to count. His boss frequently called him to ask how he was doing, when he planned on coming back.

Kise never picked up the phone, though. He didn't know what he would say if he did. He didn't want to go back, either.

He wanted to be with you, your scent, your belongings. He knew that if he wanted to be able to let you go, and move on, like you wanted him to, he'd have to get out.

He'd have to get rid of what remained of you. But his heart wouldn't let him.



'No, not this again!'

"Ryouta..." You coughed up blood onto the white of the shirt you were wearing. His hand didn't move, but he clearly remembered his own finger wiping away a splotch of red, as the thick, dark liquid dripped down your chin.

'No...' Kise felt tears well up in his eyes, the burning sensation so overwhelming, he couldn't help but close his eyes tightly. The form that was once his, held your wounded body, which was growing more, and more limp.

"Ryouta... I-I'm so sorry... please, promise me.... you'll move on, and love again..."

His tears fell gently onto your cheeks, as a sad, but warming and kind smile remained on your face. You brought a shaking, weak hand up to softly brush his tears away.

"Promise?" You asked again in a voice that was trembling as much as he was.

"I-I promise, (Y/N). I promise."

With that, your body fell limp in his arms, head rolled back as though all the muscles in your body had snapped in half.

Kise let out a loud, pain-filled scream as he turned his head to the sky, large tears running down his cheeks, heart filled with sadness.

(Present Day)

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," Kise mumbled to himself as he stood, swaying weakly from side to side on his shaky legs. "I couldn't keep my promise. Please forgive me." He stumbled over to the picture frame on his dresser.

He hadn't moved, nor changed his clothes, nor eaten a thing since you died, and he appeared sickly as he stared at himself in the mirror.

His eyes shifted back to the frame, which held a photo of you and him, smiling brightly on your wedding day.

He couldn't take it anymore. He missed you so much, it was killing him.

With a swift motion of his hand, he smashed the mirror to pieces with his fist. He took a shard of the reflective surface in his hands, turning it over a few times in his grasp.

Tears fell from his eyes, gently gliding over the smooth surface of his cheeks as he cried.

He inhaled a deep breath, before using both hands to plunge the piece of broken glass into his stomach.

The sharp pain brought a shrill scream out of him, before his trembling body fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he mumbled as he gazed up at the ceiling, before he let his eyes slowly close. "I'm sorry."

A report was filed the next day about the sudden suicide of a blonde model, who went by the name, "Kise Ryouta".


I seriously need to stop writing when I'm on a hiatus....

Well, anyway, I wrote this on a piece of paper in my social studies class, and all I have to say is, "Wow."

I mean, this story was seriously dark af. I have no idea where this came from, but I think my mind needs to lighten up A.S.A.P.

Either way, I hope you all enjoyed the Angst (for the second chapter I've posted of Angst today). This must be an Angst-y week, lol. XD


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