Return {Kise x Reader}

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It had felt like a long summer vacation, but in your opinion, it wasn't long enough. School came back too fast, and there was nothing you dreaded more then feeling alone all over again.

But, as fate seemed to despise you, there was no familiar faces in sight. You felt worry begin to manifest within you, and your heart beat sped up.

This feeling of openness, of feeling as though all your armor was stripped away, leaving you bare and vulnerable, it sickened you.

You shouldn't feel like this, you knew that. In fact, it was so unfamiliar, it frightened you.

'No, no. Stop panicking, (Y/N),' you told yourself as mental support. You gave your head a small shake to remove the thought from your mind.

'You worry too much, (Y/N)cchi~,' a voice soothed you, and you whipped around only to find no one was behind you.

"That's right," you mumbled. "Ryouta is away for his job." You frowned to yourself, and straightened your slumping shoulders.

Gathering your confidence, or what remained of it, at least, you inhaled a deep breath, and walked into the new classroom like you owned the place.

'This will be my castle,' you declared, exhaling. 'I can do this. I can do this.'

You bit your lip, a nervous habit you had picked up somewhere, and made your way to your designated seat.

The bell rang only seconds after you had sat down, and a bit of the nervousness from before left you.

'This is fine, I'll be okay.'

You gave a small smile, and let the teacher drone on about how your new school life would be.

In all honesty, you only half listened. But today wasn't the day that really mattered for you.

You just had to wait a little longer for Kise to return home, and all your anxiety would disappear.

You thought back on the feeling you had before, when it came to you.

Kise Ryouta was your armor against fear, and without him, you felt defenseless.

It wasn't a good feeling, that you knew for sure.

'Ugh, Kise, when will you be home?!'

You knew that if he was there to hear your thoughts, he would be over the moon with joy, and a happy Kise is an unstoppable Kise.

Definitely not something you wanted to deal with right now.

But since he was your Kise, you knew that you'd love him no matter what. Even if the first thing he did when he got back was attack you with a big hug.

"Oh, well," you hummed to yourself, finding that when you were without him, it was quite lonely.

"But as a girl, I must maintain my girlish charm! Time to make friends!"

Well, that was easier declared in front of an entire classroom of students, then done.

After realizing you had spoken aloud, your cheeks grew hot with embarrassment, and you quickly sat back down.

You cursed under your breath, feeling as though your entire high school life was doomed.

However, there was always that one kid in the class.

"What a positive promise, (Y/N)cchi~!"

A familiar, cheerful voice echoed across the room as a tall, blonde sauntered into the room, a hand placed on his hip.

The handsome male turned heads, to say the least, as he basically radiated sexiness!

You lifted your head slowly, thinking you were so overcome with embarrassment that it began to hallucinate.

Your eyes met a pair of warm, comforting golden ones, and your heart skipped a beat.

"... Ryouta....?" You slowly asked, not wanting to confuse him with someone else.

"Who else would it be?" He laughed lightly, lifting a weight of your chest.

"But I thought you were in America?"

"I came back for you!"

"But you're early..."

"Yep! I ended the shoot to come and be here on your first day!"

"R-Ryouta!" Your eyes filled with tears as you threw yourself into his arms, which seemed to fit you perfectly, like it was meant to be.

He only smiled as he ran a hand through your tangled hair.

"I hope I'm not too late," his tone wavered for a moment in his worry.

"No, no. I'm just glad you're here with me!"

"Anything for my (Y/N)cchi."


Yay! This is chapter 88! I'm so happy, guys! I'm so close to my goal! (Don't worry, I won't stop writing once I reach it!)

I hope you guys like my writing!

Thanks so much for reading my books!


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