Tiger {Kagami x Noble!Reader}

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Tigers are rare, and beautiful creatures, both elegant and powerful in the wild. Not only are they smart, but they can be kind as well. Not once have you ever seen a tiger, however, but you have read about them in books.

These days, books seemed to be your only entertainment, due to the fact that you were the daughter of a noble. Being part of a noble family was kinda like a scam. Something that's made out to be better in society, but is actually terrible in the real world. It was almost a nightmare, and you rarely were allowed outside.

It's not as though you didn't want to leave the premises, you did, and you've tried plenty of times, to no avail. You were always found, and brought back before you could even step foot of the property.

You sighed an agitated sigh, and glared at the wall of your room. You blinked, and huffed as if you were in a staring contest with the inanimate object. You rolled your eyes, and scanned your room.

Not much else was in there besides your desk, bed, and a few chairs. Oh, and the humongous bookshelf that sat against the wall, opposite of you, that was packed full of books. In your head, you debated reading one, for the hundredth time, but decided against the idea.

There was no point right? You had already memorized, word for word, every single page in each book. You could read them off in order, by heart, now.

Which would explain why you were so bored, currently. Your gaze drifted to the world outside your window. The world you so desperately wished to venture to.

You had a perfect view of a basketball court from your room. Every day, a group of boys would come and play there. After watching them play, you became a fan of the sport, and hoped one day your parents would let you play.

Moments later, one boy from the group showed up at the court. The others weren't there. Even when the group wasn't there, that boy would come. Every day. His hair was oddly two different colors. Both red and black. He reminded you of a tiger.

He had a tough spirit, and never gave up. He was strong, and when he played basketball, it seemed as though his heart was on fire. It amazed you. He amazed you.

He glanced in your direction for the first time, as if he had never noticed your house before then, and you smiled, waving your hand at him.

He grinned and waved back, before he began to practice. He sped around the court with extreme speed you knew you would never be capable of having, before jumping up, and dunking the ball into the net. He landed on the pavement with a heavy thud.

You only wished you could be out there too, playing with him, or against him. You just wanted to be free. You felt like a caged bird here, unable to escape and play through the future you desired. The loneliness was more than enough to drive one crazy.

Three years have passed since then, and he slowly stopped coming to the court. School probably got in the way, and he was forced to give the sport up. You had finally gotten free from your parents, and entered the world outside for the first time.

Excited as you were, the only thing on your mind was finding him. And you did. It only took four years of searching, but you had found him. You learned his name was Kagami Taiga, and the two of you immediately became friends.

Not long after, you two began to date, and life was treating you well. Then, after six years of dating, he asked you to marry him.

Of course, you said yes, and the two of you wed. From then on, you both lived happily ever after.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, was this just a fairy tale, or what? I didn't mean for it to be a fairy tale, and I didn't know where to stop, but I also didn't want to end on an angst-y note. Plus, it was super short, sorry.

Wow, I can't even, right now.

Friend: Omg, Teiko, get a grip.

Sorry, it's just, wow. Two updates in one day, I'm so nice.

Friend: This would be your second time doing two updates in one day, you know.

I do know. That's why I'm so nice.

Friend: Well, then. Hope you enjoyed this, Kagami fans :3

Have a wonderful life.


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