Guns Were Meant To Kill [Part 2] {Kagami x Reader}

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Kagami woke in a cold sweat, body shaking. Tears were clinging desperately to the corners of his eyes, and he closed them before shaking his head in denial.

'No, it was only a dream,' He told himself, 'right?'

He nervously looked to his side, where you lay asleep. Kagami let go of a relieved sigh, and wiped the tears from his eyes eagerly.

He was overjoyed that you weren't gone, and instantly hugged you tightly, rousing you from your slumber.

"" You questioned sleepily, blinking to completely wake yourself.

"(Y/N)," he mumbled into your chest, pulling you closer.

"What's wrong?"

Kagami shook his head as a reply, and you lightly slapped the back of his head.

"Either tell me, or let me go back to sleep," you huffed.

He was quiet for a moment before he answered. "Nightmare," he muttered.

"Even you, huh..." You mumbled absentmindedly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He looked up at your face, and you smiled at him, giggling lightly.

"Nothing. So, what was this dream about?"

You felt him tense up, before relaxing. "You... You were gone..."

You tilted your head slightly to the side in confusion. "Huh?"

"We... were in the hospital... you had been..." he paused. "Shot."

"Eh?" You blinked in surprise.

"And... And you... died..."

You gave him a small smile, and shook your head. "It'd take a lot more than that, to get rid of me, Taiga." You gently stroked his hair, and you felt his breathing return to a more calm rate.

He buried his head in your chest once again, and nodded.

"I mean, you're totally stuck with me, got it?" You grinned, earning another nod from him. "Even if I did get shot and died, I'd still be there to haunt you."

He chuckled against your shirt. "Figured."

"But... if I were to die, I'd want you to be happy, you know? Like, when I'm gone, if you're still alive, I'd want you to be able to find love again."

"Dream you said almost the same thing."

You laughed, and the sound warmed Kagami's heart. "Really?"


You smiled and hugged him tightly with one hand, as the other drifted down to your stomach as you held it like you were in pain.

'I guess now would be a bad time to tell him...'

You moved your hand away and gazed fearfully at the deep, red color that coated your palm. It was blood. A lot of blood.

You closed your eyes and clutched your shirt over your heart, wiping the thick liquid off your hand, heart beating loudly beneath it.

'It wasn't a dream at all.'


Weeeeeeeell, here's part twooo! (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ

I know, I know, you're all probably like, "THIS IS PART TWO?! WTF, THIS IS ANGST. I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS."

Yeah, neither did I, so, we're in de same boat, bruh. ( ̄ヘ ̄メ)

Poor Kagami just can't get a break, huh. *Pats Kagami's back*

You can join the #ForeverAlone club, Kagami. *Hands him a business card then pushes him out of the imaginary spotlight*

Friend: Seriously, someone force this girl to sleep.

Psh, who needs sleep. ( ・_・)ノΞ●~*

Oh, wait. I do... That's right. (  ̄▽ ̄)

Anyway! (⌒∇⌒)ノ

I know I haven't really updated the past month or so, and I'm sorry. I was having a bit of writers block, so I had to spend a lot of time coming up with ideas. I hope that wasn't a complete waste, and that you all enjoy the updates!


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