Don't Float Away {Depressed!Kuroko x Reader} (Angst And Fluff)

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There was clearly something wrong. In all the years that she had known the male, she was able to pick up on his almost unnoticeable mood changes, and never had she seen him look so upset. He didn't look heartbroken, no, it was something else for sure. Not matter how hard she tried to identify what was pestering the blue haired boy by watching him alone, she remained unsure of what caused the pained expression that had been on his face for the past few weeks.

Sure, she spoke with him many times, and attempted to cheer him up, if not for him, for herself, wanting to see the happy look she thought best suited his face once again. But the hurt, distant smile he produced as a reaction to her jokes only hurt her more.

The two of them sat alone on the roof, normally forbidden from entry, but the two teens could care less. It was then that the girl thought to try to learn what had been wrong with the boy.

"Tetsu, what's wrong?" She asked, trying to be straightforward with her concern, since hinting at it seemed to have no effect.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Was his monotonious response. She frowned, growing even more worried as the usual, slightly upset smile formed on his lips.

"Did something happen? Why have you been so sad recently? Did someone hurt you?" She continued to throw question after question at the male. "I'll kill whoever it is that hurt you," She hissed angrily, despising the thought of someone hurting her closest, and best friend.

"I know you would, but nobody has hurt me," He said, shaking his head slightly, a forced smile pulling at his lips. The familiar burning in his eyes returned as tears threatened to spill over. It took all of the little strength he had left to keep himself from crying.

"Hey, Tetsu?"

"Hmm?" His tone wavered slightly, the shaking of his shoulders barely noticeable as he looked out into the distance. A strong gust of wind came, carrying some of the sakura petals from the blossoms in the trees that sat nearby, with it, entangling the pink flowers in the girl's hair as the breeze made her locks sway gently behind her.

She looked out into the distance as well, legs outstretched in front of her, her hands sitting on the ground behind her, holding her upper body in a upright position.

There was a moment of silence between the two as the let the feelings of spring sink in.

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" She asked, breaking the silence with her soft, worried tone. He took a moment to let her words, and tone sink in before answering her.

"I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to upset you," He said, the shaking of his breath evident in his voice, as he turned his head a little to look at the girl that sat beside him, continuing to look out at the scenery from far away. She let out a small sigh, and laid back, propping her head up on her arms, which were crossed behind her head.

"Tetsu, not telling me only makes me worry more. It makes me sad to see you like this. If you tell me, I might be able to help," Came her gentle response, the same wavering in her voice. She too looked as though she was about to cry, as he noticed the tears desperately clinging to the corners of her eyes as she fought hard to keep them from falling as she gazed up a the sky.

The was another moment of silence, and a pause that hung in the air between them. He sighed, his breath shaky as his shoulders shook harder. He bent over slightly, lowering his head so his gaze landed on his lap. He clenched his eyes shut tightly as he failed to control his tears. The salty drops fell from his eyes and landed on his lap, causing his pants to darken as they were growing more and more wet from his tears. He sobbed silently, but the girl he had known since birth, quickly noticed the hitch in his breath.

"Tetsu, please," She begged, as tears started to fall, pained, from her own eyes. "Tell me what's wrong," She pleaded, her own breathing shaky and uneven.

"I...." He paused, figuring out an easy way to say what he needed to get off his chest to the girl he had known his whole life, and trusted with every fiber of his being. "I have depression," Came his quiet confession, as he spoke through held cries and shaky breathing, his shoulders trembling furiously.

The girl beside him sat up, understanding the gravity of the situation and pain the blue-haired boy was going through. In an instant, a familiar set of arms were wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him closer to her in a tight, calming, and comforting embrace. One hand petting his hair, the other rubbing gentle and soothing circles on his back.

"S-shhhhhh, it's okay. It's all going to be okay. I'm here, Tetsu," She hushed the boy as his muffled cries, and shaking body trembled against her, his tears soaking her shirt at her shoulder, but she didn't care about that. His current state brought silent tears to her own eyes, that quickly fell down her cheeks. It was as though she was the one who was suffering. In fact, she wished she was the one suffering, so he didn't have to feel this way. But, the only thing that mattered was the male she held in her arms. She wished she could do more for him. She wished she had noticed sooner, so he wasn't left in this state. She wished she could have stopped this from happening. But there was no going back. She couldn't change this.

She continued to comfort him till his cries slowed, and she had gotten a hold of her own tears.

"I'm so sorry, Tetsu. T-this is all my fault. I-I-I should have noticed this sooner, I-" She was cut off by the shake of his head, and a small, sad smile.

"It's not your fault, and it never will be."

"I wish I could do more for you."

"Just being here, by my side is enough. Just comforting me, and caring, and just.... always being there when you know I needed you, even when I don't. All that's enough. Besides, I'm not worth you, or the sacrifices people made for me. I'm not worth any of it." The girl shook her head.

"Tetsu, nothing is ever enough, when it comes to you. You're my best friend," She emphasized the word 'best'. "And I would literally do anything for you, just to see you always smiling," She emphasized the word 'anything'. "So please, never say that you're not worth me, or anything. You're worth the whole world, Tetsuya, and I'll never leave your side, no matter what, okay?"

The male at her side nodded, and the two teens turned back to look out in the distance, now sitting closer to each other, their legs sprawled out in front of them. The girl leaned on the boy's shoulder, and took his hand in her own, lacing their fingers together, setting their hands in her lap as she held on tight to the boy as if he was a balloon that had almost slipped from her fingers and floated away. She held tight enough so he couldn't leave, and she never planned to let go of that balloon of her's, no matter how hard the wind blew, trying to steal it away. She would hold on. Forever.

No matter what.


I said I was gonna publish this update today, and I plan to stick to my promises.

Sorry it's another sad one-shot.... yeah.... I didn't mean for it to be sad, but due to my current moods, it kinda turned out that way. Sorry.

I thought it was cute, too, though. I mean, it had metaphors, and a bit of fluff towards the end, right?

I hope this pleases you guys for awhile...


Thank you all,


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