Can't You See? {Aomine x Blind!Reader}

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Dragging a hand lightly on the walls of the school, you guided yourself throughout building. No one understood why you always kept your eyes closed. They never understood why you never told them much about yourself. 

But then again, what was there to share? Why would they care, anyway? You had left your old school because you had to spend weeks in the hospital. You had gotten a severe illness, and the treatment left you with scars that would never heal. 

You had lost your sight. 'How is anyone going to love me, when I can't even see their face?' Despite the actual darkness that surrounded you every time you opened your eyes, you knew that this wasn't just a nightmare. That nothing was there for you to see.

What did it matter, the world wasn't that great a place, anyway.

'You'll fall in love with someone who's personality is perfect for you. What do looks matter anyway? When you meet the right person, you'll have fallen in love with who they are, the most beautiful thing there can be, about them.'

Clicking your tongue in aggravation, you sat down at your desk, wishing your life had been different. Wishing someone else was born with this terrible handicap, just if it meant you'd get to view the world one more time. One more time...

"Dai-chan?" You heard a girl say in a voice that meant she was upset with the one she was speaking to. "Dai-chan, get up." There was the screech of the chair legs on the floor that made you cringe.

"What is it, Satsuki?" The male replied with a large yawn, seeming to be bothered by the more energetic girl's request. 

"That's (Y/N) over there. See? Go over there and talk." You overheard Momoi say to Aomine. He yawned again, and you sighed, thinking, 'Whatever.'

You froze when you heard footsteps coming closer to you. They stopped by the side of your desk.

"H-hello?" You asked, nervous.

"Yeah, hi. Satsuki told me to talk to you."


"Yeah." You could feel a nervous vibe coming from him as he spoke. "I heard you were blind an' all... and I'm not sure if you know what you look like, or anything... but, you're really... pretty..." his voice slowly got quieter as he spoke, sounding embarrassed.

You blushed brightly. "R-really? That's nice of you to say. Yo-."

"Also," he interrupted you, the confidence and arrogance brought back into his voice. "Open your eyes."

"Wha-why?!" You squeaked, startled by his demand.

"Why do you think? Now open 'em."

Nervously, you opened your eyes, revealing your (E/C) orbs that has a thin layer of what looked like mist covering them. He was shocked.

Your eyes were beautiful.

"Your eyes," he started, and embarrassed, you hid your face. "They're gorgeous."

For once, maybe being blind wasn't so bad.


I'm weird and sometimes wish I was blind.
Sorry your requests are taking forever..... ; n ;

Thanks for the support!

(Hehe, kingtobio this is the 69th chapter. Go ahead and make your jokes.)


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