Another Kind Of Alice? {GoM + Kagami x Reader} (Part Two)

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With a moment of hesitation, she started to walk again through the remaining half of the school, only to find...

Another obstacle.

It was a basketball court, with instructions explaining how she would have to make a dunk to pass. How was she supposed to reach the net? She was too short. And she certainly couldn't forget about the fact that her skills in sports were quite... lacking.

Growing irritated with such challenges, she kicked the nearest object; a chair. Her kick was powerful enough to send the object into the wall on the other side of the room.

"Ow!" An new voice complained as the chair struck the back of his head. (Y/N) flinched.

"W-who are you?!" She squeaked, just a little bit scared.

"Hey, I'm gonna be the one asking the questions here. Why the hell did you kick a chair into my head?"

"I didn't see you there, I'm sorry."

'Geez, all I'm doing today is apologizing,' she thought. 'But every time I've had to, I've done something wrong.'

"Can't I do anything in this place without hurting someone?!" She blurted out.

The male voice laughed.

"Are you laughing at me?!"

"No, no," he soothed. "At least, not at you."

He stood up, startling her with his strong looking build, and the alarming fact that he was indeed, shirtless.

He walked over to her with a gentle smile, and held out his hand. "I'm Kagami Taiga. It's nice to meet you..." He paused, waiting for her name.

"(Y/N)," she answered with a smile in return. "It's nice to meet you, too." She took his hand in her own, and shook it.

She looked at him curiously.

"Are you by any chance a basketball player? I know it's wrong to assume, but-."

He cut her off with a goofy grin, and a "yes."

"Would you mind helping me, then?" She pleaded, pointing to the net. "I can't reach, and I suck at sports."

"Sure," he hummed, easily leaping up, slamming the ball into the net.

Her expression brightened as the next door opened due to Kagami's impressive dunking skills, but when she turned to thank him...

Kagami Taiga was no longer there.

She tilted her head slightly in confusion, before she shook away the oncoming thoughts she wasn't ready to think about.

She waited for a moment, the room dead quiet. With a small sigh, she began to walk on, mumbling a teasing, "Bakagami", a kind smile gracing her features.

'Hope I get to see you again, Kagami.'


Here's the second chapter, (Yes, I know it's short, I'm sorry) because you guys liked the first! (Definitely not because I already had it written--I mean, what?)

Hope you like it! Please look forward to the next update! :3

And just an interesting fact, this is chapter number 86. Meaning, I'm only fourteen chapters away from 100! A big thanks to all of you who have stuck with me for this long, and will continue to read my works in the future! <3


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