Mine! {Takao x Reader x Izuki}

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I am so sorry this has taken so long! I've been so busy! *Cough does yaoi count as busy cough*. I'll be writing more often, now, so no worries. I'm on vacation and I got badly sunburned ;-;. It's itchy now, though. And I've just eaten a ton of candies so I feel sick. Anyway, on with the requested content.


Having two lovers is difficult. Especially when they're both pining for your attention. Constantly. You're currently on a date, Takao on one side, Izuki on the other. 

"(Y/N)-chan, let's go to the zoo!" Takao suggested, smiling at you before shooting Izuki a glare. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose when Izuki glared back.

"If you two fight, I'm going home," you declared, already slightly annoyed with the boys' behavior. The two hurriedly apologized, and promised to get along in fear of you leaving them. "The zoo sounds fine."

"Can we have a picnic after?" Izuki had recently compiled a long list of food puns he wished to try out on you, which you were less than interested in hearing, so you turned him down with a, "not today".

 He was a little disappointed, but didn't linger on it for very long.

The two boys walked you to the zoo, insisting on who would pay for your ticket, which you bypassed by paying for yourself. You were excited to go to the zoo, as you really liked animals, and you could no longer hide your excitement under a cold exterior. "H-hurry!" Your eyes practically sparkled, and the two males internally swooned over how cute you were.

"What are you staring at?" You questioned when they stopped walking to gaze at you.

"(Y/N)-chan, I love you from my head tomatoes!" Izuki beamed before coming to the realization that he'd just made another horrible food pun. He wrote it down.

"(Y/N)-chan is really cute!" Takao smiled and walked up to you, opting to leave Izuki behind so he could spend more time with you alone.

"Kazunari, we have to wait for Shun!" You puffed your cheeks a little and rolled your eyes. Leaving Izuki behind meant putting up with his complaining, and you just wanted to see all the animals before closing time.

Izuki ran to catch up with you, and took your hand in his happily. "Let's go see all the animals!"

You nodded excitedly, and they walked you through the zoo. You had to listen to all of Izuki's animal puns, but exploring the zoo made it all worth it.

When the date ended, your were shocked to admit you enjoyed yourself despite the boys' petty arguments over who got to treat you to lunch, or take you out on a date next. However, when another argument ensued about who loved you more, you heaved a heavy sigh.

"Again?" You couldn't help but smile, because you knew they truly loved you, and they showed you every day. "Let's go home," you giggled softly. Both of them stopped arguing, smiled, and ran to your side to walk you all the way back. 

As annoying as they could be, you were satisfied with the way things were, and you wouldn't have it any other way.



Hnnnn why does this one feel so poorly written????

I'm like completely incapable of thinking and I really wanted to publish this so the person who requested this like ages ago would be happy, so I kinda rushed it. I'll fix it to be better at a later date, so please enjoy this short one for now, and I'll write again tomorrow.

I love all of you so much!

Also, please direct all requests to my inbox if I seem to forget them, because if I forget, I'll likely never find them again and end up feeling guilty about it :(.


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