You Got Sick

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You sneezed, and Kuroko handed you a tissue. "Are you getting sick, (Y/N)-chan?" He asked, worried about your health.

You shrugged, before sneezing again. "Probably," you groaned in annoyance. "I hate being sick!"

Kuroko chuckled lightly. "I do, too. Here, let me help you get better."


"Seijuuroooooooo!" You called out to your boyfriend in a voice that didn't sound quite right. He walked to you, heeding your call.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm sick," you whimpered. "Take care of me?"

He smirked. "The best kind."


"Heeeeey, Ahoooooo! I'm sick! Get me something to eat!" You hollered, being someone who was often moody when they were sick.

Aomine yawned, scratching his stomach as he walked into the room. "Get it yourself, I'm too tired."

"Idiot," you grumbled, throwing a pillow at him. "Can't you at least do this for me?"


"Kiseeeeeeeeeeee," you whined, hugging your pillow to your face as you coughed. "Helllllp meeeee!"

"What's wrong, (Y/N)cchi?" He asked you. You pulled your pillow away to look at him.

"I'm sick!"

He ran to you, and hugged you tightly. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you!"



"What is it, nanodayo?" He questioned, sounding annoyed. You clicked your tongue as though your problem wasn't already obvious enough.

"I'm sick, duh. Now feed me so I can get better!" You ordered, and he sighed.

"Whatever, nodayo."


"Atsushi, I'm sick, help me," you choked out in a scratchy voice. He cocked his head to the side, wondering what had happened to you.

"What can I do for you, (Y/N)-chin?" He asked lazily, and you gave him your best pleading eyes.

"Help me get better?"

"Of course."


"Make sure you eat enough, I'm going to go make some soup for you, so wait a minute," Kagami continued to worriedly nag you.

"Taiga, I'm fine." You coughed, and he grew more worried.

"No, you're not, just let me take care of you!"

"Will it make you feel less worried?"


"Then go right ahead."


Well, I got a cold not too long ago, and being sick has been terrible. I also ended up going on a vacation, and didn't get to tell anyone.

On top of that, the WiFi here isn't free ; n ;

So I can't tell anyone, nor can I update often. It's terrible. Even worse than my cold. Either way, I hope you all can forgive me, and I'll see you all next week!


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