Another Kind Of Alice? {GoM + Kagami x Reader}

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She grinned as she walked down the long school hallway, alone. Her friends had already left her in the now abandoned building for her to fend for herself.

'Some friends,' she thought, but smiled nonetheless.

Being alone wasn't so bad, in her opinion. In fact, she loves it. She was always alone, anyway.

Having to resist dancing down the hallway, she resorted to skipping happily through the corridor.

'What a weirdo. And I can't believe I'm in love with her.'

Making a quick twirl, she darted into one of the open classrooms when she heard an unsettling creek.

'Must be the floorboards,' she told herself in attempt to calm her nerves. It didn't work the way she hoped it would. 'Doesn't matter.'

After a moment of silence, she cautiously stepped out into the hallway once more. It was dark and quiet.

She took a deep breath, and walked the rest of the way.

Halfway through the first building, she was greeted by two large and heavy looking doors. She sighed.

'How am I supposed to get through this?' she thought, and moved to sit down.

"How dare you!" Something hissed at her. She looked around, confused. "What made you think you could sit on me?"

She took a glance at the bench she was sitting on, only to find that it wasn't a bench at all, but a person instead.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "but when I first sat down, you had the appearance of a bench. Please forgive me." She got to her feet, and gave the person a bow.

With a sigh, the man stood up. Upon further inspection, he was a strong looking male with tan skin and dark blue hair.

"I'm (Y/N). Who are you?"

"The name's Aomine Daiki. Call me whatever."

She snickered. "Is 'Ahomine' okay?"

He gave her a frightening glare, and she stopped laughing.

"So, you know where I am?"

"Wondering where you are..." he paused, "I don't know."

She sighed. "You don't know? You really are an idiot, huh?"

He hissed at her again, and she smiled warmly.

"I'm only joking, you know."

"I didn't know."

"I suppose that's only natural for someone as dumb as you," she teased.

"Geez." He sighed again, and ran a hand through his navy blue hair.

"Want to come with me, then?" She asked, and he shrugged.


She gave him a smile, and pointed to the door. "Can you open it?"

He pushed on the doors, and with a loud groan, they gave in, opening to reveal the other half of the school.

She started to walk, stopping when he didn't follow. She turned to speak with him, only to find that "Aomine Daiki" had disappeared.

She looked confused for a moment, before a playful glimmer flickered in her eyes. "Thank you, Ahomine."

With a moment of hesitation, she started to walk again through the remaining half of the school, only to find...


Well, I started writing this about a week or two ago, when I was in Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. It was really beautiful there, but really hot. And my brother injured my arm, so I've now got lots of bruises. But I'll be okay.

//Sends my brother over the falls in a barrel//

Jkjk, I could never.

At least not with witnesses.

I mean, what?

Anyway, should I continue writing this? (If I do, there's gonna be a chapter for each GOM, and Kagami. And there will also be a chapter will all of them.) What do you guys think so far, though? I hope it isn't bad.

And yes, I know, I used gender pronouns this time because I was just free writing and didn't intend for this exactly, but I'm just too lazy to go back and change it, so please deal with it for now... ;;n;;

And guys! Thanks so much for all the reads and votes on my writing! (It's still cringe worthy to me, tho...) I appreciate it so much! And tbh, it really encourages me to keep writing!

Love you all! *^*


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