Careful {Kise x Depressed!Reader}

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Next month is my one-year anniversary on Wattpad! >u<


Depressed was a strong word that was often used to describe the hopeless feeling that had made its way into (Y/N)'s heart.

How did it all begin? When did it start?

You couldn't remember, just like you couldn't remember the last time you ate a proper meal, or the last time you really looked in the mirror and thought, 'I look good today. No one can bring me down.'

However, the self-hating thoughts not once left you alone.

You slid down the wall, pulling your knees to your chest.

"Why me...?" You mumbled, eyes glazed over, an expression so heartbreaking there weren't words to describe it, written all over your face.

'You failed again? I guess you really are stupid!'

'How can a person be as ugly as you?'

'Why don't you just kill yourself! You're useless, anyway!'

Your sanity was slipping through the cracks between your fingers, and as you scrambled to recollect it, you were only losing more.

"I just can't win, huh?"

There was a sudden knock at the door, before the person on the other side tried the handle, only to find it was locked.


You knew this voice. It was familiar and unforgettable.

"(Y/N)cchi! Are you there?! Please reply! I'm so worried about you! I haven't seen you in school lately!"

'Like hell I'm going back to school,' you thought, a small frown forming on your lips.

"(Y/N)cchi, are you alright...?"

Silence filled the room between you both, before you heard a small thud.

Kise fell to his knees, hands pressed to the door like he could convey his thought and feelings to you like this.

"(Y/N)cchi..." His voice grew soft, just above a whisper, "was I too late...?"

He balled his hands into fists, and hit the door with them, startling you.

"Shit!" He cursed. "It's all my fault! You're hurt because of me! I'm so sorry!" He cried loudly, and with hesitance lacing your steps, you made your way to your door.

Turning the knob, you pulled it open, a sobbing Kise at your feet. You knelt down in front of him, and he raised his head, tears staining his cheeks.

"I'm the one who wants to cry," you mumbled, wiping his tears away with your thumb, before he threw himself at you, latching onto your torso.

"(Y/N)cchi...! (Y/N)cchi! I love you, I love you!"

You ran a hand through his blonde hair, letting a small sigh of relief escape you.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Kise," you soothe him, "please don't cry anymore."

"Thank you. You saved me from myself."


Yay! This upcoming October is my one year anniversary on Wattpad! We'll have to do something to celebrate! So let's here some ideas, guys! Yeah! >u<

Thanks for staying with me for so long!


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