Don't Walk Away, Don't Leave Me Behind! {Takao x Reader}{Fluff}(Part 2)

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As you were rushed off to the hospital on a stretcher, sirens droned out, becoming a distant sound in his mind, Takao sat on the ground, eyes wide, stunned by what had just happened only a few moments earlier. His breathing was shaky, and his muscles, tense. When he finally relaxed, his body bent in, his mind telling him he felt sick.

His head spun, mind going a thousand miles a minute, as he tried to break down, and process what he had just seen. His limbs fell limp at his sides, and his breathing slowed to a normal rate, but bile still rose in his throat. He threw up what came to his mouth, before awkwardly rising to his feet. He stumbled down the long hallway of the school, and left through the front door.

No one thought to stop him, thinking it would be better for him to go home and relax some. But he didn't go home. No, he went as far away as he could get, and somehow, his legs managed to carry him, despite the shaking feeling he felt in them. He was shocked when they didn't give out almost as fast as he had thought they would. He continued to walk, further and further away from the school. He stopped when he felt he was safe.

He had arrived at the place the two of you had first met. It was as though his legs subconsciously brought him the the place he needed to return to the most.

It was a lovely place, with a rainbow of colored flowers in bloom all around him, like a halo of color, that swarmed around, and brought a warm, comforting feeling into his heart. It was then that his knees buckled, and he fell to the ground, laying down on his back in the field. He closed his eyes, and the sun he had thought was gone only moments ago, warmed his body, and the soft breeze that blew through the air. He was immediately calmed by the serene setting, and began to drift off to sleep.

When he woke, and opened his eyes, he was greeted with the soft hues of the setting sun in the distance. The sky was painted in bright reds, oranges, yellows, pinks, purples, and blues like as if the sky was made of watercolors. It gave off a gentle feeling, that brought a small smile to his face.

He didn't realize it. Not quickly, though.

Soft tears fell from his eyes, as the sky made him reflect on the past. The better days. The ones where everyone was happy, and hopelessness was thought of as just a dream. As if it never existed, and stress wasn't something that worried everyone. The days were these tears would be reserved for better moments.

The days when playing house was fun, and when all the boys thought girls had cooties, and when they believed many other tales that today, one would be made fun of for thinking about. The past. It was always better than the future, for as people got older, the only memories they tended to look back on, were the painful ones.

These tears . . . Are they being wasted on something that shouldn't hurt? Would it be better to forget, like many others had done? Was there anything to look forward to in the future, anyway?

Questions he knew would never be answered filtered through his mind, and he wiped furiously at the salty tears that fell from his eyes. He knew then, that going back to the past would change nothing. He had to take what he was given no, and change the future while he had the chance, in the present.

He stood quickly, and dashed in the direction he had seen the ambulance go. He ran as fast as he could, and refused to stop. When he got to the hospital, he put on a face he hoped showed bravery, rather than the emotion he was showing a few minutes ago, and thrust the doors open with both hands.

He walked strong, head held high, as he approached the front desk. "(L/N) (F/N)," he mumbled, the only words he managed to say, knowing that if he spoke more, he would be breaking the new, thin walls he had just put up. The woman looked up at him over the tops of her glasses, that hung low on the bridge of her nose. She pushed them up with her pointer finger, and nodded. She used the pen she held in her hand, to point to the room you had been brought to, and he nodded a thank you, before walking in the direction she had pointed.

All sounds seemed droned out, as the only noise that echoed through his head, was the steady, fast beating of is own heart. He tried to calm himself by breathing calmly, and tried to fill his head with rational thoughts.

He stopped outside you hospital room door, and lifted his hand to knock on it. He hesitated.

What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she thinks that this is my fault? What if she hates me now?

Thoughts of doubt ran through his mind, but he pushed them aside with the shake of his head.

No, that's not something she would do.

He knocked on the door.

"Come in," your gentle, reassuring voice called, unknowing that he stood behind the closed door.

He slowly and carefully pushed the door open, and poked his head in the entryway.

"(Y/N)?" He spoke softly. You smiled gently when you saw him, and motioned for him to come in. You sat up in the bed, the wires that were connected to the monitor dangling at your sides.

You turned your head away from him after he sat down in the chair at your bedside, to look out the window.

"Hey, um..." you began hesitantly. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, really." He smiled softly. You turned your head to look at him, your gaze dropping from his face to your hand, which were folded in your lap.

"It's not. I should have listened to you, but I didn't. And now, I just made myself look like a fool," You muttered.

"No need to be so hard on yourself!" He said, smiling calmly as he tried to make you smile.

You smiled almost distantly. "Maybe."

His expression dropped slightly. "H-hey, it's okay," he tried again.

You smiled genuinely. "Thanks."

He smiled brightly, and nodded. With that, he leaned in and gave you a comforting kiss. When he pulled back, he brought you into a tight embrace.

"Please don't try that again," he pleaded. He felt you nod against his shoulder, and let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you."

"... I love you, Takao."

"Mnn. I love me too," He snickered, and you glared at him.

"That's not funny, Bakao!" You gingerly hit him on the head, unable to subdue the small laughs that came from you, and he grinned.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He thought, a loving smile etched onto his features. "I love you so much."


Heyo, it's me again. I'm back with this update! It's the second part to the Takao x Reader angst one, but this is pretty much mostly fluff!

Lov meh now, kouhai. You know who you are, @kingtobio .

But, this was really fun to write, and I'm pretty sure that Takao is OOC, so I'm sorry if he is.... I tried, okay.

But I'm really nervous about something that is coming up next Friday. Not this upcoming Friday, but the one after that. I have to see this man who's like, half therapist, half doctor, about my depression. He's basically going to check to see just how severe it is, but I'm seriously worried.

Tbh, I'm a little scared, too...

Anyway, I was thinking of doing some what-if chapters too. You're all free to request any what-if scenarios you want!

Also... 840 something reads?! Thank you all so much!!! <3



Kuroko No Basket One-Shots! {All Kinds}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang