Scream {Yandere!Aomine x Reader}

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Haha, yeah, I'm back, as promised, wow. This is a first. I'm running out of angst because lately, I haven't anything to be upset over :0. It feels kinda good, though. My family is getting a new kitten, so I'm super excited!

Also, if any of you also watch Boku No Hero Academia, do you think I should start a book of one-shots for that series, as well? I recently got into it, so...

Anyway, onto what you came here for.

WARNING: This chapter has strong descriptions of gore and manslaughter. If that makes you uncomfortable, DO NOT READ.


Red is the color of passion, Aomine once read. Maybe that was why he didn't hesitate to bring the knife to school. He decided to confess to you that afternoon when school came to an end. He slipped a note in your locker telling you where to meet him, and waited behind the building.

As you walked, you wondered why your boyfriend hadn't come to school or returned any of your texts. 'Maybe he's sick,' you thought, nodding to reassure yourself, but you couldn't forget the churning, anxious feeling in your stomach.

You turned the corner and plastered on a smile. "Hello, Aomine-kun." A chill ran up your spine, the boy's dark, empty eyes bringing your unease back in floods. 

The air around him stank of fresh blood, the fragrance sickening you to your core. He presented you with a bouquet of red roses dripping with what you prayed was paint. White flashed at the cores of the roses. A scared "oh," slipped past your lips, and you swallowed hard. 

"D-did you paint these all on your own, Aomine-kun?" You questioned nervously.

He laughed, and you trembled. "The store was out of red ones." He licked his lips slowly, making you wait. "But your boyfriend was happy to help me."

Your breath hitched in your throat. "W-what do you mean?" 

"You see, (Y/N), he happily became the paint." Aomine grinned wildly and the bouquet slipped from your hands. You stared at the blood on your hands and screamed. 

"Aomine-kun, what did you do?!" You yelled at him and his eyes widened in shock.

"I told you, (Y/N). I killed him."

You tried to run, but Aomine used his larger frame to cage you on the ground. You saw the glint of the cold steel seconds before it plunged into your stomach. You let out another horrid, trembling scream of pain as he pulled the knife out only for him to sheath the blade in your flesh over and over again.

Aomine had always acquired a short temper when it came to you, because you were supposed to be his. His!

And if you couldn't belong to him, then no one could have you at all.


How many yanderes is this now? Kuroko...Kise...anyone else?

Well, whatever. Yeah, I think I'm getting back to my old self. Writing-wise. I've been doing a lot of rp-ing with one of my friends, so I've kinda forgotten to write with more detail like I did before. Sorry this was so short. I kept changing my mind halfway though writing it, and I eventually just said "fuck it" and wrote whatever, lmao. 

Also, don't be afraid to send requests in! I have no ideas at the moment, and it's sad because I really wanna write. If you guys have any requests at all, just send it to me in the comments or reach out to me in my DMs!

Also, I've created an instagram which you can find at _teiko_kuroko_ if you're interested. I'll probably be posting a lot of random stuff, so you'll get a little insight on my day to day life! You'll also be seeing more of my face XD. I'm still kinda an awkward person, so I'm really sorry.

I love all of you so much!!


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