Bruises {Kuroko x Depressed!Reader}

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WARNING ⚠️ : This chapter includes implied self-harm, self-hate and thoughts of suicide. If you are uncomfortable with such topics, do not read!



It was raining around eleven fifty-six at night when he found you, on that old, wooden bridge over the stream in your backyard, about half a mile into the woods. Raindrops could be heard pattering on the bright, green, summer tree leaves and stars peeked through the clouds every once in a while.

The moon shone brightly behind the sea of mist that enveloped the sky, and you were soaked to the bone as you stood there, accepting whatever decided to come your way before midnight would roll around and you'd be on your way back home.

"You're going to catch a cold," came his plain, but scolding voice out of the blue. You whipped around to see him standing only about ten feet away from you. Despite the distance, you were thankful the rain hid your tears. You had just been through a painful breakup, and honestly, you just wanted to cry in peace.

"It's fine," you mumbled, hoping he wouldn't sense the annoyance lacing your tone. Yes, you were grateful he seemed to be worried about you, but this was not the time for you to throw a pity party and cry on some stranger's shoulder while he, too, caught a cold in the light downpour you had been stuck in when you decided to run home.

No one else was around because they were all at prom. It was your last year at the school, but you were traumatized. Your boyfriend had dumped you in front of the entire student-body on prom night, just to make out with your best friend. It wasn't exactly the 'I'll never forget this night' kind of day for the right reasons. Embarrassment still ran hot in your cheeks, which were bright red beneath the concealer you wore to ensure the lights didn't ruin your complexion. Unfortunately, you managed to do that yourself.

"Are you okay?" He didn't seem to care much, but if you stared long enough, you'd catch a glimpse of his worry, which was spread across his face in a paper-thin layer. You tore your gaze from his unblinking one when you noticed the tux he wore, the light blue tie adding a nice accent to the outfit. 'He was definitely at the prom', was something you made a mental note of. Heat came flooding back to your cheeks when you remembered that his clothes meant he saw the most horrible moment of your life.

"Can you...just leave...?" You mumbled, voice quiet and trembling as you pleaded for another half-hour or so to calm yourself again. Embarrassment was not something you wanted to be remembered for in the yearbooks. He didn't budge, however, and took a few steps closer to you.

"You're (Y/N), right?" He asked, seeming genuinely curious. You didn't want to answer out of fear you'd get laughed at.

You stayed silent, furthering his curiosity as you turned your back to him. Without a word, you walked home, raindrops mingling with the tears on your face as the dark of the night welcomed and hid you from his view. He stood there a while longer, part of him hoping you'd come back, but you never did.

Summer vacation was the hardest. Your best friend left you, your parents were still upset over your poor grades, and hopelessness clouded your mind.

It was sunny the day you saw him again. You were at the park, sitting and rocking mindlessly on the swing as you pulled your long sleeves down and adjusted your sweat pants.

"(Y/N)," his voice startled you again, causing you to instinctively go on alert. Your scornful gaze shot up to meet his eyes, and softened when you noticed him staring at the clothes you were dawning. "Aren't you hot in that?"

You shook your head and looked away, "I'm fine." You weren't fine. You were far from it, you just didn't want to admit to yourself the things you had done in the dark and forced yourself to believe. It would hurt so much more.

He gently took your hand, and you noted the silk-like texture of them. He traced a gentle finger up under the hem of your sleeve and pushed the simple article of clothing up your arm. A look of shock flashed across his sky-blue eyes when he was greeted by dark, ugly bruises shaded purple and black-brown, a hue of yellow fanning out around the circumference.

Worry, sorrow, and fear pooled in his orbs as he floated down to his knees and pushed your pant leg over your own joint. The look of horror in his eyes when he realized there was too many to count was impossible to describe, and you were shocked that someone even cared to begin with.

With a careful touch, he gently kissed each bruise he could reach, and took your hand in his, interlocking your fingers together. "(Y/N), I love you. I will love every mark, every scar, every side of you that is disfigured and hideous and unsightly, and I will never stop loving you. All I ask of you is to start to love yourself, too. Please, let me love every inch of you."

His baby-blue eyes shimmered with love, and an unfamiliar warmness blossomed in your chest. 'Is this what love feels like? Is this what it feels like to be loved?'

You gently pulled him to his feet and held the back of his hand to your cheek as you leaned into his touch, a small smile on your face. "I don't even know your name, and I already never want to let you go."

"My name is Kuroko Tetsuya."

"I love you, Kuroko Tetsuya."


Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was just an excuse to experiment in my writing style so please tell me if you like the way this was described, so I can put more work into bettering my writing as such.

Thank you all for your support, it means so much to me, and I would never have made it this far without all of you to help me and keep me strong and encourage me to follow my dreams of becoming a writer.

Not long ago, my mother told me I'm not a writer - that I'd never be a writer - and that hurt a lot, because writing is what I love doing. It's how I define myself. Your encouragement to keep writing has helped me become who and what I am today, and I love that about you guys. Thank you all so much.

I love you guys.


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