Snow {Kuroko x Female!Reader}

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She stood alone in a world of white. Thin layers of snow, blanketed the branches of the trees like a protective shield against the cold air. Ice crunched beneath her feet as she walked. Flakes of snow caught in her hair, and melted quickly, but she didn't mind.

She had come alone, to a serene pond, frozen over in the midst of the winter weather. A small shiver ran through her, and a slight smile appeared on her lips. Her nose and cheeks were pink from the crisp air, and she breathed out onto her hands to warm them.

She had brought very little with her, and planned to leave nothing behind. She hoped to make it seem as though she was never here, and left the nature untouched.

Her camera was slung over her shoulder, her arm holding it to her protectively. She sighed, enjoying the cool, fresh air. Winter was her favorite season, being the best for calming photos.

She had a career in photography, and was pretty famous for her work. Her photos had been featured in multiple museums and magazines across the world. She was proud of her work, but never did anything for fame. Her progress was based off of her love of nature.

She wasn't a big fan of crowds, or many people in one area, which is why she preferred to be outside.

But it wasn't like people noticed her, anyway. She always had a low presence, and she still does. It might also be why she has such a high success rate of photographing animals, without startling them.

But as for any other topics, she had little to say. Not like she talked much anyway, but when she did, she could be quite insightful. Her knowledge of the world outside the window, was grand, as was her dreams.

She was unlike anyone else, and the way she viewed the world, made everything seem so much more beautiful. When someone simply saw a meadow, she saw a luscious field of bright green blades of grass, amongst multiple gorgeous, brightly coloured flowers.

She smiled. They turned away. She saw what they couldn't, and that was the beauty in everything. She once said, "The only way to find a beautiful world, is to imagine what others cannot."

Her current situation was in a winter forest, the treetops covered in snow, as icicles hung from underneath branches. Her camera was positioned in her hands, and she waited, laying on her stomach in the snow.

Not long after, a courageous stag passed by, and her heart sped up in excitement,a it always did just before she snapped the picture. With the press of a button, and a quiet, whisper of a click, she had taken the photo, and the stag dashed to the other side of the pond.

She let out a small sigh before standing confidently. She new she had taken a wondrous photo, and hoped everyone who viewed it would be able to see what she had seen in that exact moment.

Although, despite her efforts, it was rare that another would understand her secret behind her pictures. She knew that, but continued to do what she loved best.

She began to slowly make her way back to town. When she got there, she searched around for a shop where she could print out her photo. After a few minutes of looking around, she found one.

Entering the store, she waited by the check out for much longer than she had hoped.

"E-excuse me?" She nearly whispered, shyly.

"Yes?" A monotonous response came.

"I-I'd like to have this picture printed out, please," She spoke in the same hesitant tone.

"Okay," The male voice replied. She looked up slowly as she handed him her camera, to see a boy about her age, with light blue hair, and soft sky blue eyes. His expression was blank, as though he was tired of being there, and his skin was a fair color, almost as white as snow.

She looked at him in amazement, as he took her camera from her hands. He turned away from her to plug her camera into the computer, and clicked the print button.

"U-um..." She said softly, slight hesitance in her voice.

He turned to look at her. "Yes?" His tone was monotonous again.

"Might I have your name?" She asked, looking down at her feet.

"My name?" She nodded. "Kuroko Tetsuya," he said, and she looked up to see a small smile on his face. "What is yours?"

"(L/N) (F/N)."

"What a beautiful name. It's the same as the famous and mysterious photographer."

"Um, that would be me."

"You're that photographer?" His voice didn't even sound surprised.

She nodded. "Y-yeah." He smiled.

"I'm a fan of your work." She smiled back slightly.


"Yeah." He nodded. "These winter scenes you do, they're very beautiful. Almost as much as you." (A/N: *Blushing* Tetsuuuuu!) She blushed and looked away.

"T-thank you."

He nodded. "Here you go," he said, and handed her the photo. She reached out to take it. "Hold on, I'll get your receipt." She nodded slightly, and he scribbled something on the back before handing it to her.

He waved to her as she left. She turned the receipt over in her hand once she was outside, eager to see what he had written down. It was a phone number.

His phone number.

She blushed again, not even daring to look back, and ran home, a smile on her face. On the way, she couldn't help the small, quiet, excited squeal that escaped her lips. She couldn't wait to see him again.


Tetsuya is such a flirt in this one! :3
God, Kuroko is so cute!!!

Me: God, do you see this!? *Points to Kuroko*
God: Flipping unbelievable.

I don't know why I titled this one, "Snow", but it kinda fits, right?

Also, it's probably a little late, and I'm sorry about that, but happy birthday, Tetsuuuuuuuu!! Ily, child!! :D <3 I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think his birthday was January 30th or 31st. I don't have internet, so I can't look it up, rn, but whateves. You'll have to live with it :|

Also, I've been "Thrown to H€ll" by anonymous. (You know who you are >:3), lol, there's no internet in H€ll. Sooooooo...... Nu updates fur u. XD

I'm not sure I'll have the time to publish/Finish/Write All five updates I promised by Monday, cause my dad will end me, if he finds me. He's not a big fan of Wattpad, but whateves. I'll manage.

I started writing this one-shot on the bus while I was on a school trip to the Flynn! I finished it a day after though... I didn't get much time to write it....

This might be my favorite one-shot that I've written, yet! :D

I'm definitely getting better, slowly.

Have a good day, today, tomorrow, and every single day of your life!


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