Luckily Bryant just puts his hands up in defense before walking off. He doesn't fight it further as his friends snicker and he looks clearly pissed and just storms out of the room. To be fair, his friends are mainly the reason I'm pissed off at him.

I wait until they're all out of the room before approaching Professor Hemmings' desk. He seems to fumble as he puts everything in his bag, making sure to fix his glasses that fall down his nose a few times.

"Hi," I say adjusting the strap on my shoulder as the room is empty now.

Professor Hemmings looks up, shocked by my presence as he steps aside from his bag in an attempt to pay attention to me.

"Hello Addison, can I help you?"

"Yeah I um-" I say trying to think of why I'm here exactly. I don't want to bring up the assholes who made him feel the need to cancel class but I also don't know what else I'm going to say. So instead, I go with the first thing that comes out of my mouth. "How'd the crossword go this morning?"

Professor Hemmings seems just as surprised by my question as he says, "Piece of cake, as you had said."

I smile genuinely and tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "I failed once again at progressing with the book. I swear Calum's determined to make sure I never read a book again for the rest of my life."

Professor Hemmings chuckles as he leans his backside against the table once again and crosses his arms over his chest. I can't help but notice just how tall he is, it seems to be something I've never caught onto before. His height is as clear as day and seems to tower over my own 5'7 height.

I'm so distracted observing his height I barely catch on as he asks, "You don't want to get your own copy?"

I shake my head, "I don't feel a need to go buy a copy if I can just go to the coffee shop to read it. It's not like anyone else is just as determined as myself to read it."

This makes Professor Hemmings laugh once again as he rubs his chin with his hand and says, "You are right about that Addison."

"Yeah..." I say trying to think about what else to say. The only things we've ever bonded over are this damn book I haven't had the chance to read and crossword puzzles. Do I bring up the fact that I feel partly responsible for Bryant and his delinquent animals?

"I appreciate you for speaking up today," Professor Hemmings says clearing his throat as he steps away from the table and walks back over to his bag. I practically sigh of relief that he had brought it up and I didn't need to. "I know your boyfriend must've not been too excited."

"Bryant? Oh no he's not my- we're just- yeah..." I say not knowing how to describe what Bryant is to my teacher.

I can't exactly tell my teacher that all Bryant is is my hook up partner. But I don't want him to think I'd date a guy like Bryant.

"He's just your...?" Professor Hemmings asks seeming confused by where I was going with that.

"Friend," I say trying to put the right words together. "With benefits?"

Professor Hemmings nods his head slowly and says, "Ah, I see."

"I couldn't date a guy like Bryant," I say looking up at the ceiling. "I mean he just really doesn't care about anything, and I mean anything. Plus he is in college and doesn't even want to learn, which I don't get at all. Then, he- wow why am I telling you all of this? I'm sorry."

Professor Hemmings laughs it off as he shakes his head and closes his bag up, "Don't be, I'm always happy to be a listening ear for you."

"I just, have higher standards I guess," I say not wanting to sound snobby.

teachers pet - lrhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora