[Epilogue] Something that stays

Start from the beginning

"You two will adjust in no time. I know it's strange right now, but soon enough everything will go back to normal, " Quartzz reassured.

"Do you want me to check and see there's still food? I'll go make us breakfast if there is, " you suggested. "We might have croissants, I know those are your favorite."

Though he was tired, Adrien seemed rather enthusiastic about that, so he nodded his head in an excited manner, giving you a thumbs up. So, you did exactly what you said you would.

The kitchen was empty when you got down there, which made you feel relieved. Your first instinct was to search the cabinets and the fridge for croissants, you did tell Adrien you might have them. Before you could properly start searching, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You assumed it was Adrien, who else would it be?

"Oh, Adrien! You don't have to worry about helping me, you can go upstairs and relax if you want. I shouldn't be long." You looked up to what you assumed was your boyfriend, only to see someone you didn't want to instead, your father.

Seeing your father filled you with dread, he was one of the last people you wanted to see. You felt no pity towards him in the slightest. A few months ago, if you were in the same position, you'd probably fear your father. But now, you didn't fear him. Part of you couldn't bring yourself to hate him, but the other part of you was furious at him. Not just for his selfish desires, but because he was 100% on board with destroying the world because of his own selfish desires. You didn't care what he wanted, you just didn't want to see him anymore.

"(Y/N), I know you probably don't want to hear it, but we need to talk."

You shook your head. "You're right, I don't want to hear it, " you turned to him. "I used to have a lot of respect for you, you know? I was so proud to be your child, I stayed with you over mom. I was so grateful that out of all the dads in the world I got to have YOU as a father. But, you took all of those feelings and crushed them."

Your father sighed. "I don't blame you for thinking that way. I did everything to deserve your hatred, but I'd like you to understand my reasoning."

You raised an eyebrow, scowling at him. "Your reasoning? You mean the fact that you wanted to be famous so fucking badly that you but the entire universe in danger? The fact that you were willing to sacrifice everything over some extra cash? Golly! I can sure understand that, dad! Makes absolute sense, clearly!" Your tone was sarcastic, you didn't really want to hear whatever he had to say, assuming it was some lie he was going to pull out of his ass in a way to guilt trip you.

"I know, at first glance, it seems selfish-" Before your father could even finish, you were quick to cut him off.

"It was selfish."

Your father sighed once again. "But, there was more to it than just cash. When Gabriel and I became partners in that sort of thing, I was hesitant. But, Gabriel explained to me his reasoning. He just wanted his wife back, he loved her a lot. It's a bit hard to deny a man who's clearly suffering his one wish. He told me I could get something I wanted to, and I wasn't sure what I wanted. I already had a lot, you know. So the only thing I could think of was fame and fortune. We aren't broke, but money is limited. Fame was a sure fire way to keep that cash flow coming. After a while, the idea of this started to consume me. I became a worse person, no part of me was improving."

Listening to your father admit this to you felt strange, but you didn't get the feeling it was a trap. "That doesn't make what you did okay. Gabriel was an abused man, but you were only fueling the fire."

"It wasn't like I knew that Emilie was abusive. The only way Gabriel would talk about her was in a positive manner. He described her as loving, kind, and angelic. From what he told me, I could only assume she was a kind woman. He constantly praised her, babbling on and on about some promise he made to her. What I did wasn't okay, you're right on that, and I won't defend my actions. I just want you to know why I did it."

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