Imagine 98 - Brandy

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🎨True Colors🎨

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged,
Oh, I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people.

Andy looked at his boyfriend who no longer held the fire in his eyes, the genuine smile he makes whenever someone did something funny. It was always a fake expression on his face. Andy just got back from a week trip with Harvey, Rye and Mikey. As Jack offered to stay behind with Brooklyn since he didn't want to join the trip. Andy also noticed the amount of hate he was getting on social media, in public, at concert's. It was getting out of hand and Andy knew that Brooklyn always struggled with a low self-esteem, it only got more out now he was getting all this hate. He even didn't had the courage to go with Andy to the shop or to their favorite dinner place.

You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small.

Brooklyn sat in his room which he was thankful for. He was thankful they got all separate rooms so he didn't always had to be responsible for his action's. Brooklyn looked at his room, the walls slowly creeping in on him. Brooklyn knew he should go to his boyfriend but lately he wasn't sure about anything. He got hate for literally anything even if he breathed he got hate. It was ridiculous. Brooklyn also knew that he shouldn't believe them but if thousands of people give you hate every minute of the day, you believe it.

Show me a smile then
Don't be unhappy
Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing.

Andy was sitting next to Brooklyn the next day as they where making their way toward's a concert in London. Brooklyn didn't had the courage to smile or laugh. Andy felt his heart reach out to him as he grabbed Brooklyn's hand who simply held it, nothing more. Andy couldn't remember the last time he saw him laughing at the silly jokes from Rye or smile at Jack his stunts or even when Mikey had to jump into a lake because of a losing bet he didn't even put up a smile when Andy hugged him and kissed his cheek. Andy only wanted him back to the smiling, laughing, crazy boy he used to be. Brooklyn didn't even let Andy in for help it only got worse and worse by day and day.

This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there.

As they arrived at the building fans already where standing outside, screaming, crying just everything. Andy got out of the van with Brooklyn holding a very tight grip on him, Andy's protectiveness side took over as he held Brooklyn close by and I'm earshot. As they walked through the crowd Brooklyn was getting yelled at, hated on by fans standing close by him.

"He's such a fat person! He can't even fit through here!"

"Look at his hair! He look's like homeless person."

"What does Andy even see in him?"

"They should leave Brooklyn and be roadtrip without him."

Brooklyn's eyes started to water as he pushed Andy to Rye and ran inside as fast as he could. Andy who bumped into Rye frowned at his boyfriend who ran inside as his life depended on it. "What is wrong with you guys! Get out of here! Everyone who hates Brooklyn Leave!" Andy's voice boomed over the crowd, the anger filling his voice making almost everyone go small. "I seriously doubt that you guys are fan, hating on Brooklyn like that? You can leave I don't want to perform for such hateful people." Andy's voice filled with poison as he pushed through the doors to find Brooklyn. He really needed to get it through that Andy was there for him.

And I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors,
And that's why I love you.

Andy finally found him sitting against a wall, eyes red and puffy as he choked back sobs from leaving his mouth. Andy kneeled in front of him holding his hands in his. "Baby? Please listen to me and not them. I love you so much and everything about you. Your true colors are beautiful to me they are shining brightly everyday only these last weeks it's been grey. Please let the colors come back." Brooklyn looked up at the tearful eyes of Andy who looked down at him with sadness and love. Brooklyn kmew he needed Andy he always will need him.

So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
I see your true colors shining through, true colors.

Andy helped Brooklyn back up to his feet as he hugged him close. Stroking his back and telling the younger boy how much he meant to him, how much his love for him have grown, how he needed the blonde more then life itself. Andy only wished Brooklyn would see himself the way he saw Brooklyn, the colors that used to make Brooklyn who he was faded into grey. He wanted the colors of his boyfriend back.

I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful like a rainbow
Oh, like a rainbow.

Andy went to the dressing room, Brooklyn needing to go to the toilet first. Andy opened the door and was immediately met with questions from the other three band members, but he simply ignored them. "I want to sing to Brooklyn at the end of the concert." It wasn't really a question but more as a demand that neither if three could refuse so they agreed to let Andy take over at the end for Brooklyn. They all where worried about the blonde boy who was starting to fade slowly in the grey and darkness.

Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing, oh
This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
'Cause I will always be there.

Andy went to the stage to talk with the fans who did in fact accept Brooklyn for he was to tell them his plan. Andy sat down on the stage a microphone in his hand. "Im going to sing something for Brooklyn at the end of the concert. I want you guys to be as silent as possible if it can please, I want Brooklyn to forget the hate." The fans all agreed and promised to help Andy with his plan for Brooklyn. Maybe this time Brooklyn will smile. Just maybe if Andy was lucky.

As the concert started it went somewhat smoothly. At the end Brooklyn was about to go off the stage only for Jack and Mikey to stop him and push him into the middle of stage. Brooklyn looked at Andy confused only to be met with a smile. Andy held a guitar, strummed it and started singing ‘True Colors’ Brooklyn felt jis tears stream down as Andy stood in front of him singing his heart out to him.

And I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors,
And that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful like a rainbow
Oh, like a rainbow.

Andy put his guitar down and pulled Brooklyn close and smashed their lips together in a passionate kiss. Brooklyn knew he shouldn't worry too much he had Andy and that was all he needed to have in life to be truly and truly happy. He could care less about the hate, as long as his true love still loved him dearly it was all good for him.

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