Imagine 49- Jandy

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Requested by: roadtripwdw_fan
Hope you enjoy xx


Andy and I have been fighting over the smallest things lately and it is honestly so tiring. Just like now, we are now yelling about how Andy never takes time for me anymore, and how I never ask Andy how he is anymore.

"Are you even listening? Gosh you can be so stupid sometimes!" Andy spat at me as I just rolled my eyes at him "Seriously can you shut up with that girly voice of yours!" I spat at him crossing my arms. Andy's face fall as he looked hurt as I said those words. "Fuck off Duff." Andy spat before pushing me out of the room and slamming the door in front of my face. 

I groaned and walked to my bedroom seeing Brooklyn sit on the bed, he looked up when I slammed the door and plopped on my bed, face in the pillow as I felt hot tears stream down my face.

"Jack?" I heard Brooklyn I just shut him out as I curled up letting more tears stream down my face until my pillow was completely wet. I set up straight still hugging the pillow. I looked up at Brooklyn who gave me a smile "Wanna talk?" He offered, I nodded and Brooklyn sat down next to me. "I don't know what's going on with Andy and I. We've been having so many fights lately, I seriously doubt if he loves me." I told Brooklyn down at my fingers "But I also said some words I didn't meant to say." I muttered looking away from Brooklyn as I held my pillow tightly. I just want Andy..


I slowly opened the door again seeing that Jack went to his room, so I went to Rye's room knowing that Harvey, Rye and Mikey where there. I walked into the room to indeed see them there. Chatting away with each other.

Rye was the first one to notice my presence as he looked up and saw my tear stained face. "Rye?" I whimpered as I also got the attention from the other two, Rye immediately stood up and grabbed me towards his bed, sitting me down. "I told Jack a annoying lazy pants." I said looking away from them "He told me my voice was girly." I added curling in a small ball as I started to sob. Jack knew my voice was one of my weaknesses, but then again I was mean towards him as well.

"I hate fighting with him." I whimpered as I looked Rye in the eyes, "We know buddy. But you should tell Jack that, I bet that the both of you just need a good talk." Harvey offered. I let his words sink in and nodded, I immediately shot up from the bed and out of the door and towards Brooklyn and Jack's room.

I bited my lip before I knocked on the door who immediately opened by Brooklyn who pushed past me and shoved me inside.

I looked at Jack who hugged his pillow and sighed, I sat down next to him. "Jack?" I asked him as I held him on my lap, his head snapped up and looked at me "Andy! I'm so sorry I said that about you're voice really. You're voice is one of the most incredible once I've ever heard." He said while tears streamed down his face. "I'm sorry I called you annoying and stupid." I told him looking down.

"I don't why we keep fighting Jack, but I want it to stop. I don't want to lose you, not now, not ever." I told him looking him in the eyes, Jack nodded "I love you so much Andy, I can't lose you." He said before kissing my lips. I smiled as I melted in the kiss and grabbed him closer to me.

After we pulled away we rested our foreheads together smiling widely at each other. "No more fighting?" Jack asked I nodded "No more." I agreed with him smiling. Jack pulled me down on the bed with him as he snuggled up to me "I'm tired." Jack yawned and agreed with me. Jack layed down on my chest and closed his eyes, I smiled as I kissed his forehead and falling a sleep myself.

No more fights Jack.

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