Imagine 27- Rack

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Requested by: roadtripwdw_fan

Hope you like this xx


It was a rainy day today and I honestly hate it. Why? Because it is rainy and I wanted to go out with Rye today, but then again we could have a cute little rainy date? I remember he likes going to the cafe I work at, and if it rains he just smiles looking at it. Maybe I can do that, smiling to myself I grab my phone to text Rye.

Hey Rye, wanna come to the Cafe?

Yeah sure (:
Be there in 5 x
Love you boo xx

Good x
Love you more xx

End of convo.

I walked to the cafe seeing that Rye haven't arrived yet, I ordered for Rye his green tea and then for myself some lemon tea. Once they where done I set them down on the table, lighting a few candles on the table (Where a tablecloth was placed on, which was red and white). Okay maybe I'm doing to much for Rye, but he deserves all the love, attention and gifst I'm giving him.

I smiled as I placed the spaghetti on the table, I placed two roses ny Rye his plate, A fake one and a real one.

"Hey babe you here?" I heard Rye calling me I turned around and smiled as Rye looked at me, he looked behind me and his eyes widen even more "You did not." He said walking over to me, "So did." I smirked at him. "I knew you you liked a dinner at the window as it was raining. So I just did that." I said smiling as I let him sit on the chair and I quickly sat in front of him.

"I got you two roses. I will love you till the last one dies." I told him smiling as he picked them both up "One is fake?" He questioned me, "That's because our love never dies." I winked at him. Rye blushed "Let's eat." I told him smiling he agreed and soon we were eating and just having a good time in general.

"Come on we should head home." I said after I cleaned everything up (much to the dislike of Rye). Rye nodded and we both stepped outside in the pouring rain, I grabbed my umbrella and held it above our heads. "You know we never kissed in the rain." Rye smirked as he looked at me making my cheeks heat up "T-that's i-is t-true." I stuttered looking all flustered.

Rye grabbed my hand (which held the umbrella) and held the umbrella grabbing it from my grip and placed it down by our feets, we both stood in the middle of the park (We wanted to walk through the park in the rain). Rye grabbed my cheeks, cupping them in his hands, I smiled as I slowly lifted his hands from cheeks placing them on my waist, I slowly moved my hands towards his cheeks slowly. Not losing any eye contact with him.

"You're beautiful." I whisperd only for his eats to hear making him blush. I slowly placed my lips on his soft once, I slowly kissed him more, Rye kissed me back slowly. Our kiss was filled with love. I loved this sort of passionate kiss with Rye.

I pulled back from him to see him all red "That was." He breathed out "Amazing." I finished his sentence. Rye smiled "I love you Jack, we may not have much. But I do love you." He said placing our foreheads together "I love you to Rye more then anything." I whispered pecking his lips as I grabbed our umbrella letting it hover us again.

I grabbed Rye's hand intertwining his with mine as we walked towards Rye's small apartment "You coming inside? You could warm up with some hot chocolate." Rye said smiling warmly I nodded gladly taking him for the offer.

We walked inside Rye flicking the light on as we walked to the bathroom "There are some clothes there, from when you last came." Rye said blushing from the last event we did here. I smirked and kissed his lips fastly and jumped in the shower, just having a quick shower before I dried myself up and grabbed my clean clothes and put them on.

I stepped in the living room seeing Rye already sitting on the couch with a fluffy blanket around him and a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows in his hand's. I smiled and sat next to him grabbing the other half of the blanket and the cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows in it.

"I already picked a few movies out." Rye told me smiling as he blew at the cup because it was still hot. "I love you Rye." I told her smiled and nodded, we don't always need to say it back to each other we can just simply nod or look at each other to know how we loved each other.

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