Imagine 92 - Fluff/Jandy

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Requested by: joeck_jandy
Enjoy xxx
And again I apologize for the delay x
I'm sorry this is so sort... I elly didn't know how to end or start it... X

Andy always had this one big secret with him, nobody knew about it. Andy had kept it fine until today, cause today he couldn't exactly control the things he felt.

As soon as Andy had opened his eyes he knew today was going to be horrible. Andy stepped out from his bed, sighing deeply. He already hated today.

"We are filming the 'Try not to get mad challenge'." Rye grinned at the older blonde who was standing against the wall, eyes darting every once in a while towards a certain Irish boy on the other side of the room. To the other three boys it was obvious the two where head over heels for one another.

"Sounds challenging."

Andy smiled softly to himself as he heard Jack's voice, it always held this certain happiness and enthusiasm in it making Andy's day a lot better in every way possible. But again, nobody knew about that.

Jack on the other hand was totally blind to Andy's love. He thought the older boy didn't love him the way he loved him back. But then again both boys where completely blind to the other's affection and love. They didn't saw the glances they kept stealing from the other when he wasn't looking, or when Andy was so passionate about something that Jack had to stop what he eas doing and look at him in complete adoration, or where Jack would laugh and make silly jokes making Andy's heart melt with love.

Neither knew it from the other.

As they quickly had put the sofa in the right position they made the video, it wasn't until maybe halfway through? When Jack and Andy went again, Jack did something that surprised Andy so bad he squealed loudly only for the other's to grin behind the camera knowing exactly what it meant.

Once the video was made Rye grabbed Andy's arm and dragged him to his and Harvey's took, closing the door behind him. Rye looked at Andy, eyebrows raised at the blonde boy.

"Jack huh?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Bullshit. Tell me the truth mate."

Andy sighed heavily as he sat down on Harvey's bed, hands in his lap. "I like like him okay? Heck I think I've fallen for him... It's wrong and I know that Ryan so please don't give me a speech on how wrong it is, I gave those plenty to myself." Andy sighed as he felt his gaze get blurry he hurriedly wiped his eyes before he could even cry, it was  just a crush right?

Meanwhile with Jack, Brooklyn and Mikey where asking him about Andy.

"Why touch his ass?"


"Do you like him?"


"I would totally ship it!"

"True, Jandy would be cute."


Brooklyn and Mikey, both looked at Jack, who's face was red as he looked at his feet. "Sorry we pushed you." Brooklyn muttered under his breath. Jack sighed, shaking his head "I'm sorry I snapped at you two. I just, I really like him guys." Jack left the Mindy room  and went to his and Brooklyn's room.

Rye who had heard Jack's outburst pushed Andy towards the Jacklyn room and putting a chair under the door knob so they couldn't escape. He left and went to Brooklyn and Mikey who gave him a thumbs up.

"Let's see what happens."

Jack looked up from his bed at who came in his room and immediately froze at the sight of an flustered, awkward, shy, shaken Andy. Jack stood up and awkwardly looked at his feet trying to find the right words.

"I'm sorry I touched your butt." Jack's cheeks got a darker shape of red. Andy smiled as he finally looked at Jack (which made him melt), Andy stepped forward making Jack back up until he fall on the bed making Andy laugh softly. "Don't worry Jack. I heard what you yelled through the house, I love you to." Jack looked at him as a deer being caught.

Andy sat down next to Jack and pulled him close, pushing his chin gently up with two fingers to make Jack look him in the eyes. Jack almost lost himself in those crystal ocean blue eyes, the eyes which could always make him feel like home, let the worry or stress he had would simply wash away.

Andy slowly leaned in, looking at Jack with unsure eyes as he did so. Jack nodded his head and took the final step and locked their lips in a kiss. Andy grabbed Jack's cheeks as his eyes fluttered close as to finally feeling Jack's lips on his. As for Jack? He wad heaven. Kissing Andy? Was everything he ever dreamed of and he for sure was going to be addicted to the touch.

Andy pulled the younger boy on his lap holding his cheek with one hand and his waist with the other. Jack held on his neck as to deepen the kiss just slightly. Andy pulled away, chuckling as Jack whined at the lost of touch.

"Be my boyfriend?"

"Yes please, Andy "

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