Imagine 37- Rarvey

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Requested by: GraceUnderwood5
Hope you enjoy x


Lately I've been going though a lot of stress and I don't know how to really handle it. I thought I could do it on my own, but I can't. I need Harvey. But Harvey was on tour making it harder for me to get to him.

I sighed as I made myself a sandwich and ate it. How can I even be happy? I lost myself a long time ago, Harvey was the one who took the pain and stress away, but now.. That he left. I'm back into this hole again.

I went back to my room sitting cross legged on it with a book in my lap hoping reading will take my mind off things. But after a half a hour I already gave up and threw the book against the wall. I felt the tears already burn behind my eyes as they streamed down my face, I tried top wipe them away but every time the where gone they got back stronger each time. I held my head tightly trying to stop the voices.

You're horrible.

What is wrong with you?

Why are you so needy?

Harvey will never come back.

Harvey probably already left.

You're ugly.

You're horrible.

You're a stressed fucked up mess.

Nobody wants you Ryan. Nobody.

All these voices kept running through my mind until I heard the door open and close. I listened closely and heard Harvey's voice coming above the others. My eyes widen as I jumped of the bed ans through the door. I looked at Harvey before I fell to my knees sobbing uncontrollably, Harvey quickly went to my side picking me up and brought me to his bed after closing the door with his feet.

"Tell me what's wrong Rye." Harvey pushed me wanting to tell him why I broke down. "I'm stressed Harvey. When stress gets to me I hear these voices telling me how awful and horrible I am, I hate them. Ever since you came in my life they stopped, but then you went on tour and I broke. I just broke down." I explained him as I looked away from him. Scared to have eye contact with him.

"Babe you should have told me I would've come home sooner. I love you Rye and whatever those fucked up voices tell you. They are wrong. You mean more to me then singing and touring, you're the one I want Rye no one else. You stole my heart and I would never let you leave me, and I would never leave you." Harvey told me grabbing my hands in is left one as he wiped my tears away with his right one.

"Come we are going to Nando's I know that cheers you up." Harvey grinned as hw lifted me "You know me to well." I whispered kissing his lips fastly. Harvey laughed "Well it is a good thing I know you so good." He stated kissing my nose gently. "Come." Harvey said grabbing my hand leading me out of the flat and to Nando's.

We both sat down by the window Harvey saying it was way more peaceful. But I know he did it for me, he knew it helps me calm down. "What may you're order be?" A waitress asked as she was obviously flirting with Havrey, he rolled his eyes "I want two things." He stated looking directly at the girl who immediately thought he wanted her.

"I want the chicken together with my boyfriend and for drinks some water for us. And for the last I want a new waitress, I'm with my boyfriend and don't like girls. Goodbye." Harvey sassed her making her groan and leave. Harvey looked back at me smiling "I told you, you where the one." Harvey said kissing my hand and holding it in his hand tightly squeezing it.

I smiled at him "Thank you Harvey." I told him which only made him smile, "After we are done eating I wanna cuddle home." He pouted making me laugh. He's such a child, but mine. Once we where both done eating (and Harvey telling the boss about the girl flirting with him and others. Oh he fired her as well). We went home and to our room.

Harvey pulled me down on the bed once I was laying peacefully Harvey kissed my head. "Go dry you're eyes, and live you're life like there's no tomorrow. And tell the others to sing like a hummingbird." Harvey softly told me stroking my head before I fel into a deep sleep. Harvey always knew how to make me happy and better.

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