Imagine 41- Jacklyn

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Requested by: jadelovesyoutoo
Hope u enjoy xx


I was sitting on my bed fiddling with my fingers sighing to myself. Me and Brooklyn have been having a lot of fights lately and to he honest I started to feel like it was my fault.

I sighed and went out into the living room seeing Brooklyn sit there as well, I mentally groaned and left that room as well knocked knocking on Rye's door. "Come in!" Rye yelled through the door, I opened and closed the door "Hey Rye?" I asked him looking down at the ground. 

"What's wrong Jack?" Rye asked as he petted the place next to him, I sighed and plopped down next to him. "I feel down Rye, like really down. The fights with Brooklyn has been taking a toll on me, and I don't know if Brooke and I meant to be. I love him to pieces don't get me wrong! But I feel like he can be with someone better then me." I told Rye while pulling my sleeves down.

Rye immediately shot into protection mode while he pulled me in his arms as I just started to let everything out. Rye knew I was surviving from depression, anxiety, self harm and an eating disorder. It started when we first met in Dublin, Rye had helped me trough so much even when fans where being mean he would pull me away saying I was ill or something.


I sat down next to Andy and Mikey as I looked at Jack and mine door from our room. I hated fighting with him it made me feel like shit, but I knew it was all my fault, but I just couldn't tell him. I was to much of a coward to even go to him.

"You thinking 'bout you're fights again?" Mikey asked as he gave me my cup of tea, "Yeah I just want to tell him how much he means to me. I don't like fighting, I really don't. But I don't what I'm doing." I said feeling my eyes water ever so slowly. "Well you are a dick Brooke." Andy stated giving me one glance from the couch where he was seated, "Geez thanx mate." I said rolling my eyes as I took a sip from my tea.

"Well it is true. You should apologize." Andy said Mikey agreeing with him "I know, I-I just don't know how, heck hw probably doesn't even want me!" I panicked.

After a few minutes of silence the door bursted open to reveal a very angry/pissed looking Rye, hands on his hips and fire in his eyes.

Rye's eyes landed on me and he almost charged at me "You dick! How can you do this to Jack! He fucking thinks this is about him not being good enough! Have you even the slightest idea what he's been through? He's suffering from depression Brooke! And also he has a fucking eating disorder! And to top that all he self harms! If he goes back to this habits, you will not tell what happened to you." Rye spat at me anger filling his voice.

I felt my world slowly break apart after Rye told me those things, I shot up and ran towards Rye's room knowing he would be there. I opened the door and closed it and walked over to Jack his small frame who was all curled up into a ball making my heart ach even more.

I sighed and sat down "Jack? Baby?" I asked him carefully, Jack's body shooke as he looked up, but when his eyes landed on me he immediately looked away. "You're here to break things off aren't you?" He whimpered out. He was even scared of me.. What have I done.?

"Look Jack, the fights we had isn't you're fault at all. I take responsibility of them as well, it's just a lot has been going on with me, the hate, the stress, home and I need lost it. And I took it out on you and that was wrong to do, because I do love you to bits. You're my happiness Jack I can't lose you. But I get it if you want to leave me." I told him looking at my hands scared to see his reaction.

"I know we fight, but all couples do. We can get through this with each other. I love you Brooke." Jack said pulling my face to look at him, and smashed his lips on mine harshly. I immediately pulled him on my lap kissing him back, and after a minute or so we broke apart both blushing madly.

"I love you." We both said in sync, smiling widely kissing we got each other back again.

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