Imagine 97 - Jandy

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Requested by: PurpleRoadtrip
Hope u like it x


Andy and Jack where both know to fight a lot. No matter the place they where, they fight. School, at their friend's houses, band practice. Simply everywhere they could. People used to ignore it and threw it on puberty but the fights couldn't be ignored any longer. They used to get along so good, nobody knew what happened between the two of them only Jack and Andy knew but not from each other.

Andy walked into the living room from Rye as he stayed the night before to help him the next day with the party. But as he walked into the room a certain brown haired sitting on the couch. Andy's heart started beating faster as he saw Jack seated next to Brooklyn having a good old laugh but couldn't help the jealousy going through him. Andy didn't hate Jack, in fact he loved him! He loved Jack so much it hurt him.

"What is he doing here?"

"Jack, be nice."

Andy glared at Jack his jealousy side taking over as it always did in front of him. Rye wrapped an arm around Andy, a warm smile plasterd on his face. Jack looked at the look Rye and Andy gave each other making the younger boy jealous and angry at Andy. He was so dumb to fall in love with the blonde haired boy. He used to be so close to him only for Andy to push him away later on, making harsh comments on everything he did, not that he was any better. He did it as well towards Andy.

"For once, can you two keep a facade and be nice? Please."

"Sure thing Rye."

"Whatever you want mate."

As the day went along they did just what Rye asked of them. Be nice to one another if he was around or his guest. But when they where together? All hell broke open and the nasty comment's where send to one another over and over and over again.

"You seriously can't do anything right can you? Your such a dumb, Irish, useless shit."

Andy looked at Jack, anger clear in his eyes, cheeks red from anger as he looked the younger boy in the eyes who held the same anger towards Andy back. But neither could see it was simple the jealousy that glazed their view on each other.

"Is that really what you think.?"

Jack's voice was weak as he looked down to the floor, tears making their way in his eyes. He and Andy always fought like this why did it burden him now? Andy's eyes softened as he saw the upset boy, his own heart started aching for him, tears now also starting in his own eyes. Andy grabbed Jack's hand carefully pulling him to his side and holding him really tight against him."I'm sorry Jack, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Jack pulled Andy into a closet room so  nobody could hear or see them.

"What are you doing? We are supposed to hate each other."

Jack sat down next to Andy, pulling his knees up to him. Andy grabbed his hands in his own. Words weren't needed that moment, the question and answers would come later, as for now they simply enjoyed the silence that they held together for the first time in many, many years. As the minutes ticked by the two kept sitting in their own world's trying to come in with words to tell each other but whenever they wanted to speak they held their mouths. Only for Jack to break the silence a hour after they got in the closet room.

"Why do you hate me.?"

"I don't hate you Jack! I-I don't."

Andy looked at the now broken boy next to him, his own eyes tearing up at the broken look Jack held. "Believe me when I tell you this Jack. Please." Andy pleaded as he looked at Jack sitting now in front of him. "I'm sorry for what I have been doing to you. I wasn't the nicest and I'm sorry, I really am sorry Jack. I miss you, gosh I miss you so freaking much! I-I only started being so mean because I'm jealous. There I said it! I was jealous because you and Brooklyn are together. Because I love you Jack, I love you." By the end of Andy's speech both boys had tears streaming once again down their cheeks.

Jack sat up on his knees holding Andy's hand. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I only was a mean bitch to you because I thought you liked Rye because I, also was jealous. I love you Andy, I do and I mean it." Andy's eyes widened at the statement as Jack talked to him.

The two of them both where silent again only for Any to lean forward, slowly he touched Jack's lips, gently. Jack cupped Andy's cheeks as he kissed the boy back, a passion between them nobody ever could know or understand. In that moment nobody could judge them or give them a talk with ‘I told you so’, no now it was only the two of them.

Andy pushed Jack down and pulled away, out of breath looking down at the now flustered Irish boy. Jack looked at Andy's eyes before pulling him back down to him. Andy smiled and started kissing his neck gently leaving hickeys for the world to see, for Jack? Well for him it was just simple enjoying Andy's touch. As Andy got up again he pulled both their shirts off and their adventure begin. A heated night filled with not only passion and all the heated arguments, no. The night was filled with so much love it would possibly have exploded.

The next day they woke up, both cramped by sleeping on the floor in the closet room. Andy grabbed his clothes as Jack did the same. Once done they left the room only for Andy to stop him. "One more thing." Andy smiled at Jack who already knew what he wanted "Yes, Andy." Andy smiled as he grabbed his hand, their fingers fitting together like puzzle pieces. As they entered the living room where all there other friend's where sitting, a smirk on their faces already knowing what happened. But neither of the two could care they finally haf what they wanted and forgot the past.

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