Imagine 25- Jarvey

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Requested joeler_6
Hope you enjoy. Xx
I'm sorry it isn't long and a bit short): still hope you enjoy  (listen to the song.)


You know what is awful? When you're ill, can't even eat or even get out of bed and you're boyfriend is all the way in LA for his tour dates. Not that I'm not proud, or don't want him to make it big, but I just miss him. He is the only one who knows how to take care of me, and how to make me feel good.

I love the guys no matter what, but Harvey knows a little bit more then they do. And it sucks.

I sighed as I felt the need to vomit again and quickly raced to the bathroom, emptying my stomach (Which wasn't much, I only ate an apple). I went back to my bed and flopped down on it closing my eyes. Maybe sleep will help.


"He doesn't even let Brooklyn in." Rye sighed as we walked down the street as he had picked me up from the airport. (I was planning on surprising Jack, but only to hear my little snowflake was ill). Rye was telling me how he didn't want anyone in the room cause of his headache.

I sighed and put my hands on my pocket "I wish he told me that earlier." I told Rye "I would've come sooner." I added looking at Rye who had a puzzled look "He wamt you to make it big in the USA, and him being ill would have caused chaos as you would have came sooner. He didn't want to be a burden and that you would leave tour just for him." Rye explained as we walked inside the flat "Yeh but his health comes first." I protested. Rye rolled his eyes and left me alone in front of Jack and Brooke their room.

I sighed as I slowly opened the door amd stepping inside closing it behind me, I looked at Jack his bed seeing him fast a sleep. I smiled and just put my shoes off and got in bed with him, pulling him close to my chest. Jack immediately curled up against me, clinging on to my shirt with his hands.

"Snowflake wake up." I whispered gently in his ears, Jack's eyes slowly opened and he looked up at me, his mouth opened slowly, but before he could do something he immediately sat up straight. Coughing loudly. I grabbed a water bottle and gave it to him when he was done, concerned I sat in front of him.

"Jack you feel better?" I slowly asked him "My throat hurts." He said "Oh baby, why didn't you told me you where ill?" I asked him as I pulled him into my lap, Jack sighed looking at his hands "Didn't want to be a burden. Besides you where on tour, you where gonna meet fans, I couldn't take that away from them." Jack mumbled looking me in the eyes.

"Jack, baby, I wouldn't mind. I would always come to you when you need me." I told him genuinely. Jack blushed and smiled "Thanx Harvey, I  love you." He said as he snuggled closer to me and closed his eyes. Soon soft snores left his lips as he was finally a sleep. I bet he haven't had a good one ever since he got ill.

"Hey Harv I wantws to check how Jack was." Brooklyn said as he stepped in the room with Andy behind him, "He's good. Sleeping now but he is good." I said smiling at the peaceful boy in my arms. Brooklyn cooed at the sight and made a picture. "You sure do love him right?" Andy asked as he sat on Brooklyn his bed.

I looked down at Jack smiling "I love him to pieces, he's everything to me." I kissed Jack's his head making him smile in his sleep. "Take good care of him." Andy added before he and Brooklyn left. "I will always be here for you Jack." I told him before closing my own eyes, falling a sleep with him.

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