Imagine 70- OT5

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Requested by: Chocolatebro
Enjoy xx also since she asked more of these, I'll do it xx request guys xx.

Jack centric.


"Alright guy's, we are here with Daniel." Rye introduced in the camera.

You see we had the amazing idea to get hypnotised for a video on the vlog channel, Daniel was someone who could hypnotise people without a problem.

We all agreed on things the fans could know and couldn't know. But here is a plot, I wanted to find out if the guys liked me back, because ever since I came on trial I had the biggest crush on them. It first started with Brooklyn then Andy then Mikey and then Rye came along.

Daniel gave me one look before he started talking, oh yeah one more thing, I didn't do the hypnosis, it scared me to bits and absolutely didn't want to do it. The boys agreed to let me hold the camera and tell Daniel to stop if it got worse.

"Alright I want all four of you two put you're hands on you're knees, two fingers up touching each other." Daniel instructed seeing as everyone did it he continued ,

"Alright now I want you guys to slightly part them, notice them going closer, closer and closer. Now close you're eyes." Daniel said again. I held the camera better in my hand's to make sure everyone got in the frame.

"Now I'm going to count from five to zero, when I get to zero you're gonna relax your arm's and entire body." Daniel counted down from five to zero, "And sleep." He touched the head and shoulder from Rye who's immediately fall down as he was now in hypnosis, he did it with the others as well before he went on. "Now every time I suggest the word 'sleep' you will go even deeper in sleep ten times more." Daniel looked at me and nodded.

"Now open your eyes, and sleep." They all did just what he said, making me struggle to not giggle. "Eyes open, and sleep." He said again, you could see them going even deeper.

"Eyes open and sleep." He said again snapping his fingers to make him more clearer, he did this a few more times before he continued talking again.

"I want you to imagine that you're eyelids are completely glued shut, when you understand and accept just nod you're head." Daniel told them and the boys just nodded in agreement. "Just imagined that you're so relaxed and just don't wanna open them." Daniel looked at them all again and counted to three and told them to open their eyes, even if it didn't work. 

"Now sleep, go even deeper." Daniel said holding their backs making then in a circle, "All the way down and relax. Let me count from five to zero again, when I get to zero you guys continue to go deeper." He said again and then turned to face the camera.

"And to the people watching at home, what I'm doing right now is deepening them. The deeper they go the cooler stuff that happens." He quickly explained how weak they where right now, before turning his attention back again.

"I want you to imagine that you're stuck on the couch, chair. Glued to it even. When I snap my finger's you'll try to stand but you'll only get stuck even more."

Daniel snapped his finger, Rye and Andy tried to get up but couldn't do it as they just fall back, but Brooklyn and Mikey stood up after a lot of struggle. "Alright sleep." Daniel said again pushing them slightly down.

"I want you to imagine that you're in a room where everything is funny, the longer you look around the funnier it gets." Daniel instructed and snapped his fingers, they all looked up and around. Andy started laughing the other's following as well. I couldn't help to laugh making Daniel smile at me before he turned to the boys again.

"Alright now we are going deeper in you're unconscious." Daniel announced, I set the camera on a good angle so the fans could see all of us, and stepped also in the frame, smirking as I held my phone up. "Here we some questions from fans." I announced and sat down, the boys following my moves.

"Alright Ryan, we all want to know you're fear." I asked looking him in the eyes. Rye looked at Daniel who nodded before looking back at me again. "I fear that the people who I love and care about, don't want me anymore and I would be left alone." He looked down at his lap, sighing.

I coughed awkwardly and smiled "Well I bet you won't lose any of us Rye." I smiled as Rye looked up and returned it. "Alright sleep." Daniel said touching Rye's shoulder's which immediately relaxed.

"Andy? This one is for you. How come you always want the best for the fans? And mostly end up in trouble just to please them." I asked honestly I was curious to know this to. Andy looked up and pulled a thinking face before facing me again, "Because they made our dreams come true, and no matter what in the band happens our fans are always our number one priority's. We owe them so much, and the least I can do is everything in my might to talk to as many as I possibly can."  Andy answered, his body relaxing as Daniel told him to 'sleep' again.

"Mikey, this one's for you. Why did you remove you're piercings." I pouted making Mikey's cheek go red. "I wanted to do something else about myself." He smiled and Daniel made him sleep again.

Weird that Mikey blushed? Just because I pouted.

"Brooklyn! Why do you give everything up just to make people happy?" I asked giving him a smile. Brooklyn shrugged "People deserve all the love they can get, the world's has already enough hatred in it." He answered looking up at me grinning before Daniel told him to 'sleep' as well.

"Alright this part isn't actually part of the video so I'm going to shut it off." I mumbled and turned the camera off, Daniel looked at me "Now you want to know if they like you back right?" He questioned. "Yeah, if you want to do that though." I blushed making Daniel laugh, "No worries kid, I had weirder people." He smiled and turned around again

"If I snap my fingers all four of you will tell me what you think of Jack. If you like him or not." Daniel snapped his fingers and they all shot up.

"Jack is like our sunshine, Roadtrip wouldn't be the same without him. Jack has given us such joy! We can't live without him. We don't like him, we love him" Brooklyn said smiling widely,

"Jack is our baby of the band, I can't help but feel very protective over him. I get jealous when people flirt with him.. All I want or well what we want is to have him as our boyfriend." Rye said while a tear slipped from his eyes,

"Jack is the cute one for sure. He always brighten the day. We all are stupidly in love with him." Mikey smiler, blushing once again,

"Jack always can make me smile whenever I'm sad. I love Jack how well he fits in with us, and just in general I love him. He's our lucky charm." Andy grinned and winked at me.

"If I snap my fingers you will only remember the last part. I want you guys to live you're life's to fullest." Daniel snapped his fingers and they all got back to their own selves.

They all went wide eyed and looked at me as they remembered what they had said, "Don't worry guys." I smiled at them. Daniel stood up and gave me a smile "We'll see each other later mate." He petted my back and left the flat.

"You guys don't have to worry about a thing. I love you all to." I smiled as they all sighed in relief, "Wait why did you make us tell what we thought of you?" Andy questioned me, I started to blush madly trying to say something. Rye laughed and pulled me on his lap "I think little Jackie just wanted to know if we liked him back." He grinned making me hide my face in his neck.

"Be our boyfriend?"
"A million times yes."

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