Imagine 69 - Mack

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Our lives are stories, waiting to be told
In search of silver linings, we discovered gold.

"Jack I hate this." Mikey looked away from my gaze as we where sitting in the woods by a cabin, "I know Mikey.. I hate it just as much as you do." I whimpered.

Mikey and I both wanted to come out as gay and be happy together, but both our families are strictly against the whole LBGT+ community. I had a conversation once with them that I liked this boy in my class.. I must say I knew that after what my dad did, to never ever talk about it again.

Mikey sighed "I love you, and that won't change." I smiled and kissed his lips gently.

"Lovebirds we need to go now." Brooklyn broke us away from each other, both of us having our face's as red like a tomato. "I'm coming Brooke." I stood up looking back at Mikey pecking his lips one more time before following Brooklyn out of the woods.

"I'm sorry I had to break you to up like that." Brooklyn apologized looking down as we walked down the path, "Not you're fault, I'm just glad I still can see him." I smiled at him as we walked towards my house. "Jack you're back!" My guard grinned as he opened the gate for me, I looked at Brooklyn with a sad look before I walked into the big house.

My parents are the most richest people in all Ireland and the most important people as well.

And judgement taught us that our hearts were wrong
But they're the ones that we'll look down upon.

"You was with that Brooklyn boy again." My dad stated looking up from his  newspaper as I walked into the kitchen to greet him and mom. "We are best friends dad." I rolled my eyes before grabbing a apple from the fruit scale. "He is friends with that Cobban kid." He scoffed with a look of disgust, I felt anger boil in me but of course I had to keep silence and nod.

I walked to my room falling on my bed, groaning. I hated when my dad judged everyone I knew, I grabbed my phone going to my secret gallery seeing the pictures Mikey and I made together, a small smile crept on my face as I saw him.

I love that boy with every thing I have.

The rules say our emotions don't comply
But we'll defy the rules until we die.

"Jack, back straight, smile wide." Claire told me with a glare, I sighed and did what I was told. Tonight was a ball for everyone that lived around here well only the rich people though..

I pulled my tie, groaning that it set even more uncomfortable. My guard walked me out of the door down the stairs, I had to greet every single person! I couldn't talk to any boy's because my dad didn't want me to be 'gay'.

I've met everyone until four boy's got my attention, I looked at them curiously before my dad grabbed my arm harshly, pulling me into the house again. I stood by the door trying to not get all the attention from anyone, the girls here where acting like rich bitches and it annoyed more then anything.

I looked around and saw the same four boy's standing not knowing what to do, I raised an eyebrow at them as I walked closer to them. "May I help you? You four look very uncomfortable." I stated looking all of them down and up, "Because we are Jack," I immediately recognized the voice as Andy. I giggled "Why are you guys here?" I whispered not wanting anyone to hear us.

"You are going to find a wife they said." Mikey stated sadly looking down, my eyes widened at that "No." I whimpered looking through the crowd to find my dad, once I spotted him I marched over to him.

So let's be sinners to be saints
And let's be winners by mistake
The world may disapprove
But my world is only you
And if we're sinners then it feels like heaven to me.

"DAD!" I said loudly making everyone look at me, wide eyed. I grabbed Mikey's hand and pulled him with me as we walked towards him, my eyes almost spitting fire. "I need to tell you something." I stated as we stood still in front of him, I turned around to Mikey, grabbed his disguise off. Mikey looked nervous around us, until I smashed our lips together, kissing hin like no tomorrow.

"You're disgrace Jack! How can you kiss a boy? And a Cobban at that!" My dad looked furious, I took a few steps back with Mikey. Scared. I looked behind us and saw a clear path, I grabbed Mikey's hand and ran, ran and just kept running. We both ended up in the woods by the cabin we had bought for us.

You showed me feelings I've never felt before
We're making enemies, knocking on the devil's door.

It was a year after the both of us ran away from our home, we knew they would find is eventually. Today was the day they found us.

"Jack? Have I ever told you how lucky I am with you?" Mikey asked while slipping his arms around my waist. I giggled while turning around in his arms, pecking his lips gently "Everyday." Mikey smiled before kissing my lips again until there was a knock on the door, interrupting us making me groan.

I walked to the door and opend it, my eyes widened as I saw my dad standing there.

But how can you expect me not to eat,
When the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?

"What you did was extremely forbidden Jack." My dad glared at me, making me slightly uncomfortable. "Dad, I love Mikey. I don't care what you think he's my world. And if you can't accept that, I'm sorry but I'm done with you." I slammed the door shut, locking it immediately after.

I looked back at Mikey who looked shocked, I smiled grabbed his hands on mind before I spoke up.

"let's be sinners to be saints
And let's be winners by mistake
The world may disapprove
But my world is only you
And if we're sinners then it feels like heaven to me."

Mikey smiled before talking "Our hearts are too ruthless to break
Let's start fires for heavens sake." I kissed his lips smiling at him, we knew we would always be together no matter what.

Mikey and I would stick together against the world, not giving two fuck's what anyone thinks.

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