Imagine 89 - Rylyn

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👑I'll be your Angel Soldier👑


Rye looked up at Gabriel, confused as to why a archangel was visiting him. Of all angels in heaven. Gabriel went to Ryan Beaumont.

"I have a message from god. There is this boy called Brooklyn Wyatt, he is how do I put this? He's losing his battle with the demons in his head. Satan found a way into his head, Sam, Dean and Castiel can't handle it down there. I'm sending you down Ryan, keep updating us as well. Now go"

Rye blinked at the archangel in front of him with wide eyes. Him out of all the angels, he was chosen to help a lost soul. Rye nodded and turned on his heel as he spread his wings, Rye smiled and let himself fall.

Soon he landed on earth, his feet met the grass as he assumed he was in the forest. His first priority was to find Sam, Dean and Castiel so they could help him to Brooklyn Wyatt. He was an adopted brother to Dean and Sam as far as he knew, and Castiel well he was a fallen angel but Gabriel still talked to him even though he was banned.

Rye soon felt a connection of a other angel being close and he simply took it for Castiel. He still had his wings but they where broken wings now. Rye could never understand why he did what he did just for two humans? But he wasn't the one to judge Castiel, even him, Rye had his own flaws. Angels aren't goody either.

Rye stopped walking when he was in front of a motel and frowned, if these 'hunters' where so good at what they did, then why did they live in a motel?

Rye quickly shook it off him and let his wings go away, not that it mattered nobody was able to see them anyway. He slowly knocked on the door, rather louder then he had intended to do. But it did the trick and he was glad for that.

The door flew open to reveal a man maybe around his 20? 30? 40 Even? Who knows. His hair was a bit longer then Rye thought human's hair would be but again who was he to judge? His face read a lot of worry, fear and mostly sadness.

"Who are you?"

Rye looked at man, a eyebrow raised as he thought his arrival would at least been announced.

"Name is Ryan Beaumont. I'm here for a certain boy named Brooklyn Wyatt."

The boy again looked at Rye strangely but let him in. Maybe because he thought that Rye could help Brooklyn, but then again. Time will tell if his help did indeed help the boy.

"Rye? Did Gabriel send you? Out of all the angels?"

Castiel his words where harsh but Rye knew he just wanted the best for this boy 'Brooklyn' which where Rye still had no single clue about.

"Yes Castiel he send me, I'm just as shocked as you are. But apparently I'm the only angel who this boy can turn to. I'm the only one who can save him from Satan."

Castiel looked puzzled as he looked at who Rye now assume are Dean and Sam before looking back at Rye.

"Please help him Rye."

Dean had stepped in, pleading Rye almost immediately, his eyes where glazed, red and puffy. Sam held his brothers shoulder's trying to be some kind of comfort, but even he, himself was dying on the inside.

"Don't worry."

Rye's words where simple and Rye knew he had to do his best to save this boy's soul. He couldn't let Satan win this battle.

Rye walked towards the room the boy was in and immediately stood in the room. The boy on the bed looked up at the sudden sound of someone being in his room. The boy looked on the other hand, handsome. His blonde hair was in a quiff, his brown hair slightly showing, his eyes a beautiful emerald green, his pink plump lips, his cheeks. His clothes where unique.

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