Chapter Six

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My first official night there was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I was forced to stay on the floor while he got the bed. The King himself was sleeping in the same room I was locked up in. I thought maybe he might move me, relocate me so he can sleep in his room. But no. I'm still here.

For some reason I was frozen in fear the whole night, I couldn't sleep. So the whole night I stared at him.

It was freezing. This night just had to be super cold didn't it? The blanket I had was just a sheet. The wind was just whipping through it. Why can't I just magically grow hair like a wolf so I can become warm? 

Sucks I can't even get the fire on, I have no matches either. Maybe I can find something else in this room. He is fast asleep, hopefully he won't wake up.

As steadily as I could, I got up again. I kept my breathe low and short. I first went over to one of the many drawers he had. This one only had clothes, his boxer briefs. I cringed going to the next drawer, pants and shorts. The next drawer just had neatly folded t-shirts. I closed them and looked at the nightstand. Do I dare look in it?

I do because I don't have any other choice. He was sleeping on the right side of the bed. Right next to the damn thing. I had to be extra quiet. Slowly I opened another drawer, searching with my hand. I found something hard and pulled it out. It was a picture frame. I couldn't see exactly what the picture was but I know it's a picture frame. I put it on the top part and continued to search the drawer.

Nothing. Nothing else. I can't get anything. Damn. I picked up the picture frame, moving it into the moonlight that streamed in. It was three little boys with another older woman and man, the  older two seemed to be a couple as they held each other. Are those his parents? They all seemed happy. Suddenly my arm was then snatched, the lamp going on as well.

"What are you doing?" His voice was low from just waking up, his eyes had a glimmer of red to them.

"I-I have no b-blanket" he groaned snatching the picture from my hand and putting it on the desk face down. He then released his grip from me, slumping back down on the bed.

"Just...sleep here" he motioned to the rather large space beside him. My eyes widen as he started to adjust himself to get up.

"Y-you want me to sleep n-next to you?" He only gave me a dead look as he walked past me.

I only kept my gaze on him. I couldn't break away. He was just so...attractive. I don't know why. Then his eyes went yellow. I felt myself back into the wall as he began to shift.

It still scared me, seeing them turning to a wolf. The sickening crunching of bones, the beast coming out. I haven't had the best luck with beasts. I still flinched when my brothers would turn but this...this was truly frightening.

The wolf that now took the place of the King then began to walk in circles until he curled into a ball on the floor. I looked at the bed, then at him in confusion. What is he trying to play at?

Steadily I climbed onto the bed, dragging the heavy chain behind me. It was warm from his body heat and the pillows smelled like heaven. Well not really heaven but it smelled like mint. Freshness. It was appealing. I took another glance at the wolf and saw it had already fell asleep. I pulled the covers up to cover me and I slept.

For some reason I slept peacefully even though the devil was only a few feet away from me.


In the morning he was gone. Good. Yet I had a headache. I haven't eaten since I was last home. I gulped getting up and out of the bed. I walked towards the door only for it to be opened. I stepped back seeing the King with clothes in one hand and a plate of food in the other.

"You're awake"

"Is that how you say good morning?" My sarcasm is showing.

"And the attitude is back. Sit down" I slumped back to sit down, staring at my lap again. He put the plate of food down next to me along with a pair of leggings and a tank top.

"Eat and get dressed. Then we are to meet my mother downstairs"

"Why am I meeting your mother?" He gave me a confused look.

"You don' truly don't know?" I shook my head, no. Am I missing something?

"You do know what a mate is right? Unless your... 'adoptive' family didn't explain that to you" he leaned against the wall to my right. What is he talki- oh god. No. It can't be. He can't be eyes widen.

"T-that's impossible. Humans can't get mates" he grinned almost in amusement.

"Guess they did keep you oblivious. Cute" he cooed at me. I cringed, putting the food on the bed next to me.

"This can't be real"

"Oh it is. Now get ready you have" he looked at his watch. "Five minutes to finish up. I'll give you some time" he got closer making me back away. Then he bent down to the chain, breaking it off of me to release me.

"Now your going to be a good girl for me and be happy for my mother. You say anything about being kidnapped or captured, I will take it out on your family. You've been warned Mate" then he disappeared. The door slammed on his way out.

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