Untitled Part 140

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Just as Szeto Dong bent over to put down the glass of milk, the door opened. Shu Ning's pink and tender face carried a pleasant smile. Um, this is awkward. Szeto Dong had been acting in the past and had been trying to get Shu Ning to feel sorry and be nice to him, but now this really was awkward. He was still holding the glass of milk and he quickly straightened his back and coughed:"I brought you some warm milk, drink while it's hot~"

"Thanks dad,"Shu Ning gave him a lot of face. Without closing the door, he gulped it down bit by bit.

The commander who was watching this scene from not far away, hiding around the corner, was very happy. Shu Ning spoke a bit more to Szeto Dong before returning. Szeto Dong walked helplessly to the corner, looking at his old man with a bitter look on his handsome face:"Dad, you tricked me on purpose."

"If I don't trick you into doing it then what, you want me to pull out my pity card? Xiao Heng is still mad, he has to vent somehow,"The old commander sighed and his gaze softened considerably:"But you know, that child, Shu Ning, he really is too sensible and kind, I can't stop feeling like we owe him for all this, you better treat him well."

"I know, he's my son now."

"Oh, that's true, with this I guess your life is finally complete."

Szeto Dong only smiled in response. That's right, he has two sons now:"Dad, Xiao Ning likes to eat chicken drumsticks, you should make some braised chicken legs for breakfast tomorrow."Then he turned to leave, walking with a flair in his step.

Commander:"......"He had fallen to his son's tricks~

In the room, Shu Heng was sitting as still as a mountain as he leaned on the headboard, watching Shu Ning bleakly. Shu Ning had already gotten used to his still gaze, they had no intent of any harm in them at all. The two were thinking of their own separate problems. Previously, he had already felt that Shu Zi Xuan was a phoenix amongst men, he was such a handsome and smart guy, but actually, he couldn't even keep up for a single match against Shu Heng.

And the people from the Szeto family are of even rarer breeds. Each of them were outstanding, you could feel that they are very nice and sincere people just by seeing their smiles, what did this prove? That they are amazing people whose emotions do not leak through to their expressions, so deep and reserved that it was simply impossible to analyze what they were currently feeling by their body language alone. Even if you were to catch a flaw, they may just be showing it to you on purpose.

"Come over."

Shu Ning returned to his senses. He walked to the bed and got on Shu Heng's lap, then letting himself go, he laid on his chest.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I was just thinking, the people from the Szeto family sure are scary,"Shu Ning was very blunt, this was probably the reason Shu Heng wasn't too fond of them.

"They won't bring any harm to you."

Shu Ning frowned and raised his head to look at Shu Heng, where did this confidence of his come from? From their relationship? Well so sorry but Shu Ning doesn't believe in that kind of thing this lifetime around.

Shu Heng's eyes were extremely deep, and very serious:"There is a rule in the family, if you harm someone from the same clan then your entire bloodline will be executed with you."

"Not leaving even a single person......What a cruel set of rules, it's not like it's......."The law, even dealing with this privately was illegal. Shu Ning was surprised and slightly anxious:"What other rules are there? Tell me all of it."

But Shu Heng did not speak, he stuck out his tongue and licked away the trace of milk on the corner of Shu Ning's mouth. Shu Ning's face started to blush after being stunned for a moment:"Don't be flippant!"

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