Untitled Part 38

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Shu Heng felt a bit regretful, the little one didn't take the bait, if he teased him more it would be obvious he was trying to tease him, he put the cake on top of the table:"I'm going to go change my clothes."

Before this he left whenever he wanted to, he had never explained himself, this was an improvement. Shu Ning opened the box and paused for a moment, the appearance was very beautiful and the shape was good, it doesn't seem to be a cake you would normally find in a normal cake shop, could this be custom made? It must be, brother is so considerate. It must be hard on him to go to work everyday, maybe he should massage his shoulders at night.

"Let's wash up together?"

A sound suddenly came from behind him, giving Shu Ning a big shock, he hurriedly turned around:"Brother!"

"The two of us, let's bathe together."

Again? Last time he nearly got traumatized, Shu Ning hurriedly shook his head:"I like to play with the water!"The meaning between his words couldn't be clear for the moment, but Shu Heng was so smart he definitely knows when to back down.

"You can."

"......"Shu Ning blinked his eyes, what is he trying to say? I'll play with the water while you help me wash up? Shu Ning rejected him resolutely:"I've already washed."

"Wait for me before washing up tomorrow,"Shu Heng was unwilling, but he lifted his hand to give Shu Ning's little face a touch before he left with satisfaction.

Shu Ning was flustered:"......"

Fine, there's still a cake, Shu Ning gave it a taste, the sweet fragrance filled his mouth and he finished it in a few bites......It's great but not enough!

At night the two brothers ate together, after Shu Cheng had found out that the strange call from yesterday came from Qin Yu Lan, in the afternoon he brought Qin Yu Zhuo to go on a business trip together, he wanted to let his wife relax a bit as well, Shu Gao invited his old friends out for a fish, bringing Sun Lin along as well, the four of them would not return before a few days had passed, Shu Ning was about to enjoy a world of only two with Shu Heng again.

Whether Shu Heng went to the office or not he was the same as before, he would read a book at night, it did not have to be a certain genre, he was extremely focused and he would never be working.

And so Shu Ning felt rather puzzled, he barely worked hard at all how did he defeat me in my past life? Could it be talent? If that was the case Shu Ning might as well just give it up.

"What's wrong?"The little one stole a few glances at him and Shu Heng felt slightly pleased.

Shu Ning:"......"

"Just between you and me you can say whatever you want."

"I was just thinking that dad was so busy, why is big brother......so relaxed,"Are you bored to death? If not why do you like helping me bathe so much, humph.

"I'm not involved in much since I'm still in the learning phase, it will be like this for you in the future too."

"Hold it right there!"Shu Ning disliked the office the most, he wouldn't work there even if you beat him to death:"Our family will be fine with you around, I think it's better for me to just become a freeloader, free and easy, and besides the eldest son will inherit the company, big brother you're so smart and wise, there's no need to be so modest!"

Shu Heng wrinkled his brows and put down his book, he walked to the side of the sofa and picked up the Shu Ning who was trying to run away into his embrace, his other hand lifted up the little one's chin:"Has anyone been telling you anything?"

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