Untitled Part 28

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God, how should I proceed now?

Qin Yu Zhuo's heart was overflowing, she was so angry her face was red, he's truly more trouble than good, he would've been fine if he had been staying next to me, but it's not a good idea to lose her temper in public:"Your stomach hurts? It'll pass after enduring for a bit, today is an important day, all the big shots in C city are gathered here, you need to show your worth, burn yourself into their memories, this is an important step for your grand plans in the future sweetheart! It's not that mother does not care about you, be good, mother will hold onto you."

"Okay......"Shu Ning gritted his teeth, and frowned, looking as if he was really feeling uncomfortable.

Qin Yu Zhuo helped Shu Ning up, but Shu Ning sat back down as soon as he stood up, his lips had turned pale, only now did Qin Yu Zhuo realize that something was indeed very off with her son, what to do? Leave early? That won't do, even a loser must not lose their pride. A thought crossed Qin Yu Zhuo's mind, right now Shu Ning's status in the family was even higher than her own, that old man quite fancies him, if they can't stay, then they'll leave with a bang!

"Sweetie, sit here and don't go anywhere, I'll go fetch your father over to take a look at you!"

As expected, she's using me to strive for favour, Shu Ning had an idea:"No, don't, he's already got everyone's attention due to the land matters, I can't let him be bothered with more people talking about him because of me."


"I'm fine, He Ran will come looking for me in a bit, we'll lose some where the sun rises, and gain where the sun sets, we shouldn't miss this chance,"Shu Ning smiled reluctantly:"And besides, Shu Heng is here, I can't leave."

That's right, if we left, Shu Cheng will definitely leave Shu Heng here to mix with the people, Qin Yu Zhuo would never let him take such a chance, and what's more it was worth it since he could get closer to He Ran as well. Qin Yu Zhuo gave Shu Ning a look with some concern, after all he was her son:"Alright then, if you've noticed my efforts then that means I had not done it in vain, if you really can't take it anymore, send a waiter over to inform me, alright?"


"Good, your body belongs to yourself, you have to cherish it no matter what,"Qin Yu Zhuo gave Shu Ning's hand a squeeze, and sighed:"It's going to be rough for your dad to deal with all this alone, I should be going over to entertain them."


"It's just for an hour more, endure!"


Qin Yu Zhuo left after comforting Shu Ning with a warm smile was plastered on her face, she had a kind behaviour that did not lack in generosity as she chatted congenially with those other rich ladies. The ladies with keen eyes had their gaze on Qin Yu Zhuo's stomach, this skirt did not seem much like a tight fitting one but it was a bit......bulging? Unless......

The straightforward ladies asked:"Madam Shu, are you...?"

Qin Yu Zhuo gave them a shy smile, and casually touched her stomach, her eyes brightened up radiantly:"I'm four months in."

"Oh heavens!"


"What good fortune, I should try to rub some off too!"


Many rich ladies sent her their blessings, it did not matter whether they were being genuine, it made Qin Yu Zhuo very happy. Shu Yao, do you hear that? My lucky child, you truly are your mother's baby, with you here, your mother's status will be firm, nobody can shake me off, when you're born, your mother, father, and grandfather will treat you well like they'd treat their ancestors, and hold a grand celebration for you, at that time, who dares to look down on me?

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