Untitled Part 6

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Shu Ning wanted to get closer to Shu Heng, but the time is not right, his gaze flashed, there will be a chance at night!!

Following the flow of time, the sky dimmed, you could not see your fingers if you stretched your hands out outside, Shu Ning smiled proudly, and knocked on Shu Heng's door while hugging a big pillow.

Knock knock knock......

Shu Ning was in a good mood, he took a deep breath, and gathered his spirits, he can finally get along well with his brother, he felt slightly perturbed, slightly anticipating, but even more so he was nervous.

He had hated him for a lifetime, but his mind was finally clear on his death bed, that sort of encompassing and concern, the feeling of not being abandoned no matter what was too good, he regretted it.

Thankfully, he had gone back to the time before he went seeking an early death, he can do everything over again.

The door opened, Shu Ning felt a little bit excited, the edge of his eyes were damp, but it's a shame he could not apologize to his brother for the things in the past.

Shu Heng was wearing his pajamas, expressionless, his cold gaze fell on the child's face, there was not a hint of change.

"Sorry......I'm scared!"

"Go look for your mom."

With a "Ka", the door was closed.

That's it? Shu Ning froze stupidly, still standing right where he was, he nearly got hit on the nose by the door! Shit, everything had been going so well recently, he had forgotten how extremely cold his brother was, he was the kind of person who kept people a thousand miles away from him.

So what now? If he returns then this was a failure, Shu Ning had a calcium deficiency, his legs had started to hurt after standing for a while, he stretched his hand out to rub it and relieve it, when suddenly the door opened.

The computer in his room was actually linked up to some monitoring devices, the look of the dejected child who had stood outside till his legs hurt but was still unwilling to leave, he took in the scene, he was definitely hiding something.

But he was the biological son of his adopted father after all, he can't treat him badly.

"Why aren't you leaving?"

"I'm scared,"Shu Ning can be scared? Then he's been possessed, Now he was sleepy and tired, as he yawned his tears dripped down as well.

Shu Heng wrinkled his eyebrows deeply:"Where's your mom? Does she normally coax you to sleep?"

A thirteen year old child did not need to be coaxed at all, just that Shu Heng's mother was strict with him, and he had no little brother, even the few friends Shu Heng has did not dare to speak about this kind of nonsense in front of him, so this has caused Shu Heng to think that the thin and withered Shu Ning still"needed mother's milk"and needs to sleep with his mother.

He rubbed his eyes, Shu Ning's big eyes had become even more wet and glistening:"Mother is not in the room on the first floor."

"......"Shu Heng felt very hesitant, children were generally very annoying, every New Years those distant relatives would come to closen their relationships, the children they brought all had bright wonderful eyes, pleasing people with other intentions, Shu Heng disliked them very much, should he look for the steward? Whatever it's too late:"Come in."

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