Untitled Part 125

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An Yi was a particularly handsome person who was tall, confident, and had a nice smile that was very impressionable. But he shamefully told everyone that he was to be blamed for not being a good leader during their military training, and he wanted to become the class leader in hopes to continue working hard. Several boys interjected with remorse, saying that the squad leader was not at fault, even the teacher felt moved.

How could he not come out first again when everyone's in such unity? An Yi had a rich character, and not only was he modest, he was courteous too. The teachers were delighted and just as they were about to name An Yi as the class leader......The sounds of discord rang up.

Shu Ning raised his hand, and put forward his own opinion with a plain face:"I think Yao Li Xin is more suitable!"

Yao Li Xin who had been named had a start, he was overjoyed but he did not show it on his face. He had also wanted to become the class monitor but unfortunately his face wasn't as thick as An Yi who stood up by himself, and his speech even roused such fervor. And so Yao Li Xin who had missed the first opportunity sat gloomily, he had thought it was over but he never expected for a turnaround to appear.

He was very excited, and tried his best to keep himself from looking at the one speaking in case anyone thought he was recommended because they were friends.

The teacher looked towards Shu Ning, and An Yi who had thought he would be able to sit uninterrupted on top of the mountain hadn't had his fun yet when something happened, and this was hard for him to accept. He suppressed his anger but his smile was stiff and his expression was bad, he was also looking at Shu Ning at the same time, or it should be said that the entire class was looking at him. An Yi was already such a great guy, how could this person say that? Could he have a grudge against him? Those who were envious with An Yi immediately put on a look of high-hung indifference, they were now part of the spectating crowd and were all waiting to see what this young man had to say.

"Teacher, the team led by Yao Li Xin came sixth in the entire school, this proved that he had the ability and good affinity with people, for him to unite the students in a bond of friendship in such a short amount of time, they kept together and none of them had their names taken. That's why, I think that Yao Li Xin should be a well-deserved class leader. Teacher, it's good that An Yi has his aspirations but this is a university, not a trial playoff for an online game, how could this be used for practice? I'm from the same team as him and we made mistakes every single day, and so I firmly oppose for him to become the class leader. If you don't believe me, you can ask Qiao Hai, teacher."

A big hard slap on the face.

Qiao Hai who had been called out was in a dilemma, but he was an upright person and he too, could not stand An Yi's ambiguous actions. He appeared to be a gentleman in front but carried swords behind his back. Within their group of ten, seven of them followed An Yi's lead and took him as a great guy, while Shu Ning and Qiao Hai were the only ones who had seen through his bad personality. But for the sake of student harmony, Qiao Hai stood up seriously:"Teacher, what Shu Ning says is true, An Yi's ability is indeed limited."

An Yi was close to getting angry now. He looked towards the few students he had a good relationship with, and so Chen Ming and the rest also came forth to give their opinions, firmly supporting An Yi.

Bla bla bla......The noise had turned into the buzz, and it was so noisy that the teacher was getting a headache. And so Chen Ming said that both Shu Ning and An Yi had brushed shoulders in the past, and Qiao Hai was quite angry about that. The two stretched their necks out and started bickering.

And in the end, the teacher made his decision:"Since Yao Li Xin's results were excellent, he will take the role of class leader. As for An Yi, you have both care and patience, so you can be part of the student life committee, and manage the dorms."

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