Untitled Part 25

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"The young master?"Sun Lin frowned, his eyes moved left and right, he voiced his disagreements:"Qin Yu Zhuo is his woman, he probably will not try to get to the bottom of it, and......young master may be the one who told her this piece of news."

"I think so too."

"Old chap, this matter can not be passed on to the young master to handle,"Sun Lin analyzed several points:" First off if she complains in tears, the young master will definitely be soft-hearted, secondly, Young Master Heng's commerce skills have been overly outstanding since he was young, it's perfectly normal for her to want to raise his qualities, thirdly, if the young master were to start an argument with her because of the family of his ex-wife, it will definitely affect his relationship with his son."

"The points you've mentioned are only ordinary reasons,"Old ginger is still spicier, Shu Gao is more comprehensive when looking at matters, and more thorough, that's why he hates Qin Yu Zhuo:"Her goal for doing so is for Shu Heng, if not, do you think Shu Heng will come today?"

Sun Lin pondered quietly for a long time after being reminded of that point, he sighed with a disgruntled look:"That's right, if the Mou family does not go down, Shu Heng will stay strong as well, Qin Yu Zhuo is......just paving the way for Young Master Ning."

"Wrong again,"Shu Gao narrowed his eyes dangerously, with great peculiarity he said:"She's pushed Ning Ning to the teeth of the storm."

"How could that be?"She's the biological mother.

"That's why we have to pass this matter to A'Cheng, to see how he judges this."

A mother and her child bears a bond, who would've thought Qin Yu Zhuo would use her son? Her starting point must be great, as long as they had goodwill, most people would think that what Qin Yu Zhuo did was not wrong, She's weak, and deserves sympathy. Moreover, the Shu clan engages in business, it did not affect much, the only unlucky one is old man Mou.

The letter was held up in the capital, to be able to have so much authority, and to be able to reach this point, only the side of Shu Heng's "biological father" has the power to do so.

Qin Yu Zhuo! this shameful matter, has thrown away a great deal of pride for the old Shu family, what will your father-in-law think? Old man Mou has been helping them a lot throughout these years both in and out, even if his daughter had entered through their doors those years with a child in her stomach, it was Shu Cheng who had to marry her no matter what, it's not anyone else's fault. Thinking of Mou Ying, Shu Gao felt his heart ache.

She's a fine lady, knowledgable, elegant and graceful, she's the most outstanding wealthy young lady in all of C city. She had forgotten about her first love after marrying into their family, and lived her days well with Shu Cheng, but on the day of her maternity checkup she was in Shu Cheng's car, and got kidnapped by an opposing family, when she was sent to the hospital she had lost a lot of blood, but the child was saved, but the mother had hurt her body, there will be no hope for the child after that, she initiated the divorce, and was even stopped by Shu Cheng who disallowed it.

Shu Cheng and Mou Ying were both childhood friends, the two families had ideas for them since a long time ago, Shu Cheng had also really liked her, but the affairs of the world are inconstant, during Mou Ying's studies in university, she had fallen for a senior......

What actually happened on that year, even Shu Gao was not too clear about it, and wasn't able to investigate.

Sun Lin rubbed his forehead:"Old chap, what do we do now? If we don't settle this well, with old Mou's temperament, I reckon he would slaughter his way over."

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